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Let someone know!

It should be easy for you to have a say in your life as a student. AHO's learning environment must be characterised by inclusion, zero tolerance for bullying and harassment and good whistleblowing procedures. You can give feedback on minor and major issues, and you can report harmful, dangerous, unethical or criminal incidents.

There are many points of contact at AHO where you can tell someone, and that involves student representatives. You will find information about health, safety and the environment here.  

Regular evaluations

AHO conducts evaluations of all its courses every semester. This allows you to tell us what is good or bad. The evaluations are sent to your student email towards the end of each semester. National evaluations are also conducted, including the national student survey Studiebarometeret and the student’s health and well-being survey (SHOT). 

Student representatives 

Every class must have a student representative. Regular meetings are organised between the administration, student representatives and teachers to ensure the quality of teaching. Report matters that you think could be improved to your student representative. 

The Learning Environment Committee

The Learning Environment Committee (LMU) is an advisory body to the AHO management that assists it in matters concerning the student’s learning environment. Several students and employee representatives are on the committee. You can contact them if you want to give feedback on something that could be done better.  

Let someone know!

AHO shall have a good learning environment. We need your input to make your life as a student as satisfactory as possible, and therefore encourage you to let us know! You can give feedback on minor and major issues. Contact your student adviser or teacher, or use this form.

Safety and security at AHO

We make systematic safety and security efforts to protect people, information and equipment against injury/damage and loss. Please see sikresiden.no for more information and advice about what to do in a crisis situation.  

The Ombud for students

The Ombud for students is a low-threshold service for students with questions about their rights. You can read more about the Ombud for students here.  

Undesirable incidents

AHO works to ensure its students’ health, safety and environment. If you for various reasons experience an undesirable incident, please contact:  


The student organisation SAHO is the students’ elected organisation at AHO composed of elected student representatives. SAHO ensures that there are student representatives on AHO’s various boards and committees. You can find information about who your student representatives are here.