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Master of Landscape Architecture Tromsø

Master of Landscape Architecture Class of 2018 (Tromsø)

Program of study: 
Master in Landscape Architecture
Level of study: 
4 semesters
Course models
Master i Landskapsarkitektur kull 2018 (Tromsø)
Person in charge: 
Marianne Skjulhaug
Admission and rating

To qualify for an application to the masters programs at AHO a general study competence is required in addition to passing an audition and an admissions test. The applicants are ranked in relation to a combination of the formal Regulation for Admissions (§§7-1 to 7-13) and the admission tests according to AHO’s Regulations. The admission tests are implemented in two steps; a home assignment and a school assignment.

Applicants already holding a three-year bachelor in architecture can apply directly for admission to the master’s level at the 4th year. This application is done via the application web: SøknadsWeb.  Admission is based on documented certificates and portfolios.


The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) is an autonomous and specialized university college offering professional master’s degree on the highest level in architecture, design and landscape architecture as well as PhDs and three post-professional and experience-based masters in urbanism, architectural conservation and landscape architecture. AHO was established in 1945 and is highly ranked internationally.  AHO comprises about 700 students and 120 staff.

AHO is located in the former Oslo power plant at Maridalsveien 29 situated in a revitalized former industrial area near the river, Akerselva. Recent newcomers in the immediate vicinity include the University College of Art, Westerdal’s School of Communication and Mathallen, a cluster of food shops, delis and restaurants.

Master of  Landscape Architecture is a professional degree that encompasses a curriculum of the widest range of relevant subjects demanded and requested in the profession. The curriculum includes eleven fulltime terms including six obligatory basic semesters, four eligible terms on the masters level and one last term, the eleventh, for designing and writing of the Master’s Thesis.

Learning outcome

Landskapsarkitekter utdannet ved AHO evner å etablere et selvstendig faglig virkefelt, bidrar med originale betraktningsmåter og løsninger og utøver faget på et høyt internasjonalt nivå.

Landskapsarkitekter som har fått graden Master i landsakapsarkitektur ved AHO kan praktisere faget på grunnlag av kunnskaps- og ferdighetsfelt som er definert i EUs profesjonsdirektiv og IFLAs standard for landskapsarkitekturutdanning.

De kan praktisere faget landskapsarkitektur gjennom kunstnerisk og vitenskapelig undersøkelse, ideutvikling og arkitekturprosjektering i ulike skalaer og format

  • kjenner fagets naturgitte, miljømessige, samfunnsmessige, kulturelle og teknologiske forutsetninger,
  • behersker fagets arbeidsmåter, verktøy og uttrykksformer og evner å bruke disse i prosjektering på en målrettet, profesjonell og eksperimenterende måte,
  • har kunnskap om fagets historie, egenart og plass i samfunnet, og evner og bruke denne kunnskapen i eget faglig arbeid,
  • kan orientere seg i forskning- og utviklingsarbeid innen faget og evner å bruke denne kunnskapen både i prosjektering og arkitekturkritikk.

Landskapsarkitekter utdannet på AHO kan på en reflektert måte ta ulike profesjonelle roller og er dyktige i samarbeid med andre faggrupper:

  • De kan formidle landskapsarkitektfaglig arbeid, eget og andres, til legfolk og fagfolk på et profesjonelt og akademisk nivå,
  • evner å reflektere over eget arbeid og bryte egen forståelsesramme
  •  tar ansvar for egen læring og faglig utvikling, kan reflektere over og posisjonere eget faglig bidrag i forhold til etiske problemstillinger i praktisering av faget.
Work-, learn- and assessment methods

Our pedagogical approach is based on problem solving through exploration, conceptualization and design followed by solution oriented lectures of a wide range, enhancing the students’ capability to decode, analyze and solve the challenges.

During the education the students are given written assignments linked to theoretical subjects and tasks. The pedagogical approach also includes discussions, presentations, critiques, literature studies and project assignments.   

The teaching is research- based and some of the studio courses are closely linked to AHO’s research projects. This implies that the students relatively early in the education have to be familiar with scientific writing, articles and literature. Research process, ethics and results are explained and demonstrated as an integrated part of the teaching. Special emphasis is given on teaching processing, decoding and interpreting of texts and literature, engaging in source criticism and use of references. Research and Development (R&D) run by the AHO academic staff is highlighted through teaching and tutoring.

Content structure

The study program counting 90 credits (ects) in addition to a master’s thesis (diploma) counting for 30 credits (ects).

The two years consits both mandatory courses and elective courses.  The Master’s Thesis is an independent and self-selected task.


The education is ICT supported. To monitor the study and the studio courses basic skills in coping with digital tools are needed. Access to a private PC /Mac is also required.  Adequate program training is offered as well as access to relevant licenses.

Digital communication Moodle in addition to internet is used throughout the study. The Moodle platform handles schedules, study plans, handing in assignments, lectures, literature lists etc. Moodle is the digital communication tool between faculty and students. The AHO students are also given a special AHO e-mail address that is mandatory as a communication source between AHO and students throughout the whole study and a private file for storing information, etc.

AHO benytter den digitale læringsplattformen Moodle. Her finnes informasjon om studiet, timeplaner, forelesningsnotater, innleveringer og annet. 


Upon completing the basic education (bachelor level) the students are offered the opportunity to spend a period as exchange students. AHO has a wide variety of formal exchange and cooperation agreements which the students can choose among like the European: Erasmus+ and the Nordic: Nordplus. Separate agreements are also possible to arrange although they must be pre-approved by the Committee for Access and Recognition (OGU) in order to be accredited as an inclusive part of the study.

Target audience

The master’s programs at AHO are designed and developed for you interested in the contect between development pattrns and landscape, how we manage natural resources, design the environment in different scales and how the cimate changes affect the desig of our environment and  concersely. To attend the studies at AHO you should be critical and constructive, creative and innovative. You are intent on attaining complex and relevant knowledge in addition to embracing the importance of cultural context and social conditions.