fbpx Peri-urban areas in Oslo | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Peri-urban areas in Oslo

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Peri-urban areas in Oslo
Course code: 
60 510
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses/ Bachelor

Course content

The studio will map, analyze, and project potential bio industry resources in the peri-urban areas of Oslo. Given the spatial and climatic constraints, how much and what type of food cropping can the peri-urban areas support? This capacity calculation could help clarify the best strategies for utilizing the remaining agricultural lands adjacent to the urban areas. With rising urbanization pressures, a planning strategy will need to be in place to utilize productive lands or consider more technologically intensive methods of cultivation such as indoor growing facilities. The spatial and infrastructural requirements of these facilities (either traditional or indoor facilities) will need to be metricized and matched to the future capacities of an urbanizing region to formulate a new, knowledge-based planning approach.

Collectively mapping the potential sources of bio-wastes in the peri-urban areas could reveal a new energy resource. Breweries, landscape wastes, food processing waste, wastewater, and other organic forms of industrial wastes could accumulate to a significant tonnage. The project will estimate these tonnage amounts and consider their potential to fuel either existing energy needs (industrial or residential), as well as the future urbanization-induced needs. With a population increase, the urban areas will have to develop similar increase in energy needs. This studio will help locate organic wastes that could accommodate some of the urbanization-based energy consumption increase. Mapping these under-utilized resources will significantly enhance a knowledge-based plan for the region.

Learning outcome

The design research studio will provide students with tools to carry out independent work that prepares them well for the diploma semester ahead. In the best case, a particular aspect of work itself can be extended into the diploma in one way or another. Regardless, students would have developed skills in critical assesments of peri-urban areas from refining the creation of interpretative maps and projective cartography and developed a skill for scenario development, as well as proposition of design concepts.

Working and learning activities

The studio elaborates on systemic design methods and approaches to support ecological and context-responsive urbanism. It will deal with the territory of peri-urban areas, the interplay between different scales and time frames (of development and seasonal fluctuations) and the integration of strategic considerations through the proposed design concepts.

The studio will tackle multiple scales to derive more intelligent systemic projects and proposals, and challenge students to research, digest, and redirect, rather than merely react to, contemporary conditions of the peri-urban areas and ecological systems.

While traditional design protocols divide professional issues into narrow disciplinary scopes of work, systemic design offers a more integrative approach. Systemic is systemic. That is, once one begins researching a single system it inevitably bleeds into other systems that cross-pollinate and hybridize even more systems, until dynamic feedback occurs.

The studio is organized around three phases:

First phase: survey/ mapping different types of bio-waste on macro and micro scale, site analysis etc.

Second phase: strategic project development based on findings from first phase.

Final phase: finalising the design strategies, clarify research material, produce the final material.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activity
Group work
Individual problem solving
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Group work
Workload activity:Individual problem solving