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Industridesign 2 (ID): Protohype

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Industridesign 2 (ID): Protohype
Course code: 
70 600
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed foundation level courses or equivalent education (bachelor). Knowledge of 3D modelling techniques.

Course content

ProtoHype will develop students' ability to participate in more advanced design and innovation processes; and doing so as an independent designer with a creative, aesthetic and designerly approach. The course builds on theories that see innovation processes as a dynamic interaction between different actors with different skills, mind-sets and backgrounds. The course ProtoHype focuses specifically on the active use of various forms of physical and digital prototypes that support and facilitate the innovation process. Using advanced 3D modelling, video-sketching and other various forms of prototyping is therefore central to the course. Ability to reflect and discuss these topics is exercised in a theoretical part with lectures and seminaries. In the practical part, students will develop new ideas for products up to completed product concepts in cooperation with external actors. Currently ProtoHype have two thematic areas; (i) Medtech and (ii) Sustainability and/or Development. The Medtech theme is conducted in cooperation with companies in the network Oslo Medtech and (ii) the Sustainability theme in collaboration with a research project, C-SAN-Futures, the Institute of Design (IDE) conduct with the design department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in Cape Town, South Africa.

Learning outcome

DESIGNERLY APPROACH: Provide the student with a more advanced knowledge of how a designerly approach can be understood, and then be used in interaction with other traditions

AESTHETICS: Give a more reflective and critical understanding of the concept of aesthetics.

SUSTAINABILITY: Provide new knowledge on how our design and way of living affects the living conditions on a global scale.

ETHICS: Give a more reflective general ethical competence .

CULTURAL AND SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING: Provide a greater understanding and general knowledge of (global) cultural diversity.

PROCESSES, TOOLS AND METHODS: To develop the student's ability to utilize prototypes as a process driver and provide new knowledge of e.g. video-sketching. Give students the opportunity to practice to independently conduct a professional design project.

COMMUNICATION: Provide general knowledge and skills to communicate effectively in a professional manner.

MATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGY UNDERSTANDING: Provide general competence to understand, develop and critically evaluate new materials and technologies in a designerly manner.

RESEARCH: Give knowledge about research in High-Tech and Climate Change and provide a general competence to deal with these areas in a creative and designerly manner.

INTERNATIONALISATION: Give a better knowledge about different global perspectives and the opportunity to reflect on international solidarity and cooperation.

Working and learning activities

DESIGNERLY APPROACH: Through project work with external firms, lectures and a reflective internal dialogue.

AESTHETICS: The student is given the opportunity to develop their own aesthetic skills by providing them with feedback from communities that often have very different aesthetic preferences (in this case, medical technology and African culture).

SUSTAINABILITY: Through lecture and choice of theme of sustainability and development work on the African continent; which give many opportunities for discussion and reflection.

ETHICS: Project related discussions. Topics such as sustainability, development on the African continent and medical technology, give many opportunities where one just have to involve ethical considerations.

CULTURAL AND SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING: Through lecture and project-related discussions supported by the course's selected African theme.

PROCESSES, TOOLS AND METHODS: Through lecture and project-related discussions. Video sketching is given a more fundamental introduction in the first part of the course where short lectures typically are mixed with short practical exercises. Independent work is thereafter trained in cooperation with external partners combined with internal tutoring.

COMMUNICATION: Lectures, presentations including a “pitch” the students are expected to provide tentative external partners.

MATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGY UNDERSTANDING: Through independent project-work and in collaboration with external partners.

RESEARCH: Through lectures and project work. The themes are also associated with the research project C-SAN-Futures and the involved MedTech companies that usually are research-heavy, High- and MedTech companies.

INTERNATIONALISATION: Through collaboration with the design department at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in Cape Town, South Africa.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / failSee Work and learning activities
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:See Work and learning activities
Workload activityComment
LecturesForelesninger vil være ganske hyppige i den første tredjedelen av semesteret (ca. to halve dager i uken) og avhengig av hvordan prosjektene utvikler mer etter behov i løpet av resten av semestret.
Group workVi foretrekker teamarbeid (og ikke gruppearbeid) og som vil være en del av arbeidet gjennom hele semesteret
Individual supervisionDet vil typisk være en veiledning økt for hvert team en gang i uken og ytterligere mer individuelle økter hvis det er nødvendig.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Forelesninger vil være ganske hyppige i den første tredjedelen av semesteret (ca. to halve dager i uken) og avhengig av hvordan prosjektene utvikler mer etter behov i løpet av resten av semestret.
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:Vi foretrekker teamarbeid (og ikke gruppearbeid) og som vil være en del av arbeidet gjennom hele semesteret
Workload activity:Individual supervision
Comment:Det vil typisk være en veiledning økt for hvert team en gang i uken og ytterligere mer individuelle økter hvis det er nødvendig.