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Industridesign 2: ProtoHype

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Industridesign 2: ProtoHype
Course code: 
70 600
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed foundation level courses or equivalent education (bachelor). Knowledge of 3D modelling techniques.

Course content

ProtoHype is a research oriented studio course that involves new contexts and themes that rather require radical than incremental solutions. The course is organized around two extensive main iterations and phases. The first phase is based on a foresight a few decades ahead and then, as a second phase, the result of the first phase is back-casted and designed for a more contemporary context. The end result of both phases will be physical products conveyed by both digital media and physical models.

The course builds on theories that see innovation processes as a dynamic interaction between different actors with different skills, mind-sets and backgrounds. The course focuses specifically on the active use of various forms of physical and digital prototypes that support and facilitate the innovation process. Traditional sketching and model building will therefore be blended with advanced 3D modelling, video-sketching and other forms of conveying a rich variety of different design concepts.

Learning outcome

The student shall after the course be able to participate in more advanced and complex design processes; and doing so as an independent designer with a creative, aesthetic and designerly approach.

a. Knowledge: The student should after the course have a firm and explicit understanding of the kind of solution driven design process being so inherent in the industrial design tradition. The student will also be introduced to video-based sketching methods and the kind of research methods developed within the industrial design tradition. In addition will the student gain an introduction to Radical Change, Sustainability, Future studies and Foresight.

b. Skills: After the course the student should have a working knowledge of, and skills in, an industrial designer’s toolbox including (but not limited to); sketching through different media, creative methods, team work, foresight and presentation.

c. General competence: The course has a general goal of both individual progression and to wrap up and make sure that the student has sufficient knowledge and skills in industrial design to reach a professional level after another year of practice at IDE/AHO. For each individual student, the curricula might therefore be slightly modified.

Working and learning activities

The work is arranged as a design studio with lectures, presentations and seminars woven in as a natural part of the activity.


Compulsary reading:

Course book and distributed papers


Recommended reading:

Klein, Naomi (2014) This Changes Everything

Marshall, George (2014) Dont even think about it; why our brains are wired to ignore Climate Change


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required1Not required80% attendance on all the compulsory moments (lectures, seminars, workshops )
ExcursionsOne longer field trip (app. 4 weeks)
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:Not required
Comment:80% attendance on all the compulsory moments (lectures, seminars, workshops )
Mandatory coursework:Excursions
Courseworks required:
Presence required:
Comment:One longer field trip (app. 4 weeks)
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment--External sensor
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:-
Comment:External sensor
Workload activityComment
LecturesTypiskt 1-2 ganger per uke under kursen del 1
Group workteamarbeid under større del av semestret
Individual supervisionindividuel eller per team 1-2 ggr/uke
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Typiskt 1-2 ganger per uke under kursen del 1
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:teamarbeid under større del av semestret
Workload activity:Individual supervision
Comment:individuel eller per team 1-2 ggr/uke