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70 602 Service Design 2: Service Design Futures

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Tjenestedesign 2: Fremtidens tjenestedesign
Course code: 
70 602
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2021 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Josina Vink
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level (BA-level) at AHO or equivalent education with 180 ECTS.

Students who have taken Service Design 1 will be preferred, but this is not a requirement for this course.

International 2 year master students must have been approved for service design.

Recommended previous knowledge.

  • Service Design concepts and methodologies
  • User centred design methodologies
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Ideation techniques
  • Prototyping
  • Concept communication
Course content

The course focuses on honing existing Service Design knowledge and competencies through practice by direct access to the schools focus areas of research, whilst actively contributing to their development.

In addition undertaking this form of learning through contributing to research, the students will develop their ability to reflect on their own design practice within the rigorous framework of research practice.

These research focus areas are:

  1. Innovation in healthcare. This is carried out through C3. 
  2. Designing with Rituals. Measuring creativity through innovations in service design approach.
  3. Innovation in methods and tools: Developing tangible tools for Trendslation.
  4. Designing in bureaucracy. Raising empathy for service providers through design.

By working with these areas students will practice what they have learnt in Service Design I and/or GK5 and GK6 by applying these design skills through ‘research-by-design’ to ongoing research projects with in-house researchers together with their external partners.


Learning outcome


  • Understand and appropriate research methodologies used within design research projects.
  • Develop an analytical approach to the field of Service Design
  • Reflection on what design research and its methodologies mean for service design practice and vice versa


  • Ability to read, understand and contribute to design research
  • Ability to analyse a service design problem in relation to relevant research theories and models
  • Ability to translate theoretical models into practical tools
  • The ability to reflect upon the nature of service design in relation to other disciplines
  • The ability to describe your position within the field of service design


  • Gain an overview of the state of the art of Service Design research
  • Promote an active and designerly participation within research projects





Working and learning activities

The course is run differently from Service Design 1. In Service Design 2 students will be working more independently and in close collaboration with the researchers that are part of C3 and ritual service design.

The main learning activities will be based upon research projects in collaboration with external partners, where the students will be part of the research team. The course also integrates studio work (group and individual), tutoring and reflective sessions in the classroom, workshops, structured presentations, and discussions with the course participants.

There will also be lectures with invited guests, designers and researchers. The students are expected to read some curriculum litterature.






Blomkvist, J., Clatworthy, S., & Holmlid, S. (2016). Ways of seeing the design material of service. In Service Design Geographies. The ServDes. 2016 Conference, Copenhagen 24-26 May 2016 (Vol. 125, pp. 1-13). Linköping University Electronic Press.

Crouch, C., & Pearce, J. (2012). Doing research in design. Oxford: Berg.

Clatworthy, S., Oorschot, R., & Lindquister, B. (2014, June). How to get a leader to talk: Tangible objects for strategic conversations in service design. In ServDes. 2014 Service Future; Proceedings of the fourth Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; Lancaster University; United Kingdom; 9-11 April 2014 (No. 099, pp. 270-280). Linköping University Electronic Press.

Matthews, Ted. " The Experiential Mesh: A New Service Development model for designing highly experiential services." International Conference on Service Science and Innovation 2014. Taipei (2013).

Matthews, Ted. "Sacred Services: The Potential for Service Design of Theory Relating to the Sacred." Artifact 3.2 (2014): 6-1.

Matthews, Ted, “Introducing Graphic Experiential Evidencing (GEE). How can the use of graphic novel fill a gap in the service design toolkit for communicating experience and emotion?” Design and Emotion 2016, Amsterdam. (2016)

Matthews, T., Sacred Service: The Use of ‘Sacred Theory’ in Service Design, Journal of Design, Business and Society 3(1), 67–97. (2017).

Pfannstiel, M. A., & Rasche, C. (2019). Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management. Springer International Publishing.








Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failBeing a practice-driven course, the student’s progression through both projects will be presented by means of:

• Group and individual mid-term deliverables

• Workshops

• Evidencing material

In each module students will have group and individual deliverables that will receive qualitative assessment to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

The course will involve the participation in one or more modules related C3 and ritual service design projects and the research connected to these.  At the beginning of each module, the structure, contents and examination form will be detailed.

Each project will have a final presentation and report that will be assessed in pass/fail by an external sensor and the course leader.

The details for each project regarding particular deliverables and the evaluation criteria will be described in the brief for each project at the beginning of the module.

The students need to pass both modules to pass the course.

For those students that fail one of two modules, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (this comprises all group and individual mid-term deliverables presented by the student during the semester, additionally to the final presentation), will be carried out by the course leader, the module responsible and a second Service Design lecturer from the Institute at the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the course learning outcomes.

Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Being a practice-driven course, the student’s progression through both projects will be presented by means of:

• Group and individual mid-term deliverables

• Workshops

• Evidencing material

In each module students will have group and individual deliverables that will receive qualitative assessment to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

The course will involve the participation in one or more modules related C3 and ritual service design projects and the research connected to these.  At the beginning of each module, the structure, contents and examination form will be detailed.

Each project will have a final presentation and report that will be assessed in pass/fail by an external sensor and the course leader.

The details for each project regarding particular deliverables and the evaluation criteria will be described in the brief for each project at the beginning of the module.

The students need to pass both modules to pass the course.

For those students that fail one of two modules, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (this comprises all group and individual mid-term deliverables presented by the student during the semester, additionally to the final presentation), will be carried out by the course leader, the module responsible and a second Service Design lecturer from the Institute at the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the course learning outcomes.

Workload activityComment
AttendanceThis is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Students are required to attend at least 80% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project to pass the course. The course leader will take assistance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session and will inform the students when they are close to failing the course due to attendance.

It must be expected that parts of or all lecturing and tutoring will be digital according to general Covid-19 restrictions. Digital presence is expected in the same manner as physical presence.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:This is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Students are required to attend at least 80% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project to pass the course. The course leader will take assistance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session and will inform the students when they are close to failing the course due to attendance.

It must be expected that parts of or all lecturing and tutoring will be digital according to general Covid-19 restrictions. Digital presence is expected in the same manner as physical presence.