fbpx Life-Changes Services | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Life-Changes Services

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Life-Changes Services
Course code: 
70 603
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

This is a stand-alone Service Design course at Master level and there are no formal pre-requisites to take part. However, the course requires strong collaborative and communication skills and therefore a very good level of English, particularly spoken English.

Course content

This course will focus upon Service Design in Public Services and you will be expected to develop visionary ideas to how services can be redesigned to positively impact the everyday lives of people.

The course is divided into two main sections as described below:
1. Preparation and grounding in service design, including development of basic skills.
The first six weeks will be an introduction to service design with a special focus on public service innovation and co-design. The first week will be a crash course in Service Design itself, with an introduction through workshops to service design tools and techniques, including customer journey mapping, touch points, the functional vs the experiential, visualization and facilitation etc. From here along with a literature review of current Service design thinking, a series of design modules with practitioners both local and international will allow students to hone their skills before working with DOT.
2. Individual or group projects on life changing services
You will, based upon the introductory weeks, now choose a relevant project to work upon, and develop new service ideas for a particular user group. As part of this you will work with understanding the needs of the users, understanding their journeys through services and understanding both the functional and emotional aspects of this. Further, you will map out how the service is delivered today, and identify potentials for radical improvements.
Based upon this, you will develop ideas for radically new, and life-changing services, which will further be developed and evidenced as concepts.
Finally, you will present your concepts to both users and service providers in public service, to obtain feedback about your solutions.

In addition to the above, the course will have a short collaboration with students from NHH (The Norwegian Business School in Bergen). This will be a mini project, in which you will work together with students who have a business background. Together you will explore a problem area, develop ideas for new services, and develop a business model for how this idea can create value for customers. This involves two or three sessions of designing together with NHH students in Bergen, where you will facilitate the design process. These sessions will be spread out during the semester.

Learning outcome

The ability to design for service, and an understanding of what service design is.
The ability to understand the specific needs of public service and their users.
An understanding of radical innovation and incremental innovation.
The ability to work together with, and understand different service innovation and business disciplines.
An understanding of the complexity of services and service delivery.
An understanding of the difference between public services and commercial services.

Working and learning activities

The semester uses a mix of teaching and project based learning.
The first stages will combine teaching together with short practice sessions.
Later, you will develop, and be guided to use your own approach to explore user needs and develop new services. This uses co-design as an approach.
Since you will have developed skills in facilitating service design process, you will also be responsible for facilitating idea generation workshops, and visualising the results of these.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scale
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail