fbpx 80 404 Speculative Ideation: Hand Drawing as Explorative Medium in Architecture | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


80 404 Speculative Ideation: Hand Drawing as Explorative Medium in Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Speculative Ideation: Hand Drawing as Explorative Medium in Architecture
Course code: 
80 404
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2021 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Carsten Oeding Loly
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies in architecture or landscape architecture (180 ECTS).

Course content

"Speculative Ideation..."

- adresses the capability of the student of architecture to think with and through drawing by hand.

- is practice-based 

- sets out from the particular ´wants`and ´needs` of the participating student.

- encourages exploration and developement of strategies for personal meaning making by drawing.

"Speculative Ideation" contains three main components:

- Individual study
The participants choose a subject to pursue through the period of the course. 
The subject to investigate and explore can be related to ongoing or earlier studio-courses, but this is not a requirement. 
Notes on intentions and reflections over past work in the course will accompany the practical work serving to clarify guidelines and the revision of these.

- Individual exercises
Intend to invigorate foundational skills and knowledge and introduce new ones. These exercises draw upon analytical and intuitive approaches familiar to art and architecture.
Keywords: Materiality, gesture, composition and expression, formal analysis. 

The exercises take place at the early stages and come to a halt approximately after one-third of the course period.

- Plenary talks & discussions

See working and learning activities



Learning outcome

Enhanced capabilities and awareness of hand drawing´s potential as a personal medium for speculation and ideation in architecture. 



Working and learning activities

Take place in the first phase of the course
See course content

In-depth study on individually selected topic/theme.
Run throughout the entire course period
See course content

Talks & discussions
Talks and subsequent discussions intend to cover best practice within architecture and art.
During the course students will be expected to present ongoing work and further give critique to work done by peers in the course  

Process/evaluation/feedback :
Individual tutoring, group- and plenary discussions
Intermediate presentations 

Formal evaluation
Final presentation with external sensor . 

Requirements to pass
80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week. 

Presence is required at all presentations - intermediate and final.

Digital hand-in of selected work from the course-period.






Being practice-based and grounded on the individual needs of the students, literature concerning foundational and technical aspects of drawing and essays and articles concerning best practice within art and architecture is developed during the course.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / fail 80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week.

Presence and contribution to all three presentations likewise.

Digital hand-in of selected work from the course-period.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: 80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week.

Presence and contribution to all three presentations likewise.

Digital hand-in of selected work from the course-period.
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solving
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving