fbpx Re-store: Roma | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Re-store: Roma

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Re-store: Roma
Course code: 
80 504
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Léa-Catherine Szacka
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses or equivalent

Course content

The Basilica of Maxentius (or Basilica Nova), was the largest building in the Roman Forum. Built between 308 and 312 under the emperor Maxentius and later Constantine I, the gigantic basilica spanning a total area of 100 by 65 meters, was composed of a central nave covered by three double barrel vaults suspended more than thirty meters above the floor, and resting on four large pillars. On both sides of the central nave were lateral aisles covered by three semi-circular barrel vaults perpendicular to the nave. After being destroyed by two successive earthquakes (in 847 and 1349) today, all that remains of the basilica is the north aisle with its three concrete barrel vaults.
A fascinating building, the basilica has stimulated the imagination of generations of architects whom have drawn the ruin and imagined its possible reconstruction. This has produced a rich repertoire of representations, both real and imaginary. Sebastiano Serlio and Antonio da Sangallo the Younger drew idealized versions of the building in their Renaissance drawings, while generations of French architects from the Beaux-Arts produced lushly colorful imaginations of its interior surfaces. In the 1970s, architects infused new life into the basilica, using the ruin as the theatre for large open-air urban events. This course will explore these imaginative transformations of the site and develop strategies for offering contemporary completions. Discussions will focus on the themes of representation, reconstructions, ruins, ephemerality and spectacle.
The assignment is to do an architectural transformation of the Basilica that inscribes the building into a contemporary urban reality. The group of five students will together examine the building: its history, past representations of the building, and its characteristics and spatial potential, followed by an individual architectural project. The studio will be divided into three distinct yet interconnected phases:
1.Historical research and site analysis.
2.In-depth exploration of the representations, reconstructions and re-use of the basilica over time, from 16th Century drawings to late 20th Century.
3. Proposals for an architectural transformation.

Seminar at The Norwegian Institute in Rome
Information about ROMA2020 - Roma, sted og symbol (6. okt - 17.nov)
Application for the seminar is available at UiOs SøknadsWeb from 1 May:
NB. Deadline for fall semester is fall 1 June 2014.
Instituttet i Roma er drevet av det humanistiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Se http://www.hf.uio.no/dnir/
If you have questions for admission to ROMA2020? contact IFIKK at henvendelser@ifikk.uio.no

Learning outcome

The course shall give the students experience with reuse and preservation of historical building structures by designing a public building in a complex urban setting The seminar ROME2020 gives a multidisciplinary understanding of the development of Rome. For course in Roma, see separate description.

Working and learning activities

The course begins with a seminar in Oslo. The course runs from mid-August through mid December. The initial and concluding phases take place in Oslo, while the main part (about September 1 to December 1) will take place in Rome. It is required that the student can work independently. There will be three pin-ups in Rome, guidance will in addition be provided via Skype. The students follow the full program of the course ROME2020 – Rome – place and symbol, as well as excursions in Italy. The course runs from 6 October to 17 November.
Professor in charge

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / failEksamen Exam evaluated at UIO (needs to be passed)
Prosjekteringsoppgave Evaluated at AHO
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Eksamen Exam evaluated at UIO (needs to be passed)
Prosjekteringsoppgave Evaluated at AHO
Workload activityComment
Planning assignmentDet kreves bestått eksamen v/UIO
Evalueres av AHO
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Planning assignment
Comment:Det kreves bestått eksamen v/UIO
Workload activity:
Comment:Evalueres av AHO