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Simulation, design and the developement in the maritime sector

Simulation, design and the developement in the maritime sector

Game engines, simulations, visualisations, avatars and artificial intelligence are now common tools in developement laboratories in the maritim sector. And the designers are leading the way.
- Accidents mainly occur because of human failure. To understand them we need to understand the users. Maritime operations are often very complex and we need to understand all kinds of different actions and what happens over time when conditions change. Designers can do this, says Hoseth. He defended his phD thesis "Simulation and Design" at AHO on February 12th. 2016.


Snorre Hjelseth
In the maritime sector, users are involved in complex safety critical operations carried out in very difficult and shifting conditions. Working in such settings is a major challenge for mariners and currently human failure is the main cause of maritime accidents.

The thesis investigates how real-time interaction in simulation and how game engines can be used to support user-centered design within the maritime sector. It raises two major challenges for applying user-centered design in the maritime domain: First, the difficulty in accounting for the complexity of the maritime context in on-shore design situations. Second, it is difficult for designers to gain access to user context as part of the design process. Due to these challenges, Hjelseth argues that there is need for new approaches to handle the holistic design process necessary to understand relations between existing events and future scenarios in terms of context, operation, tasks, technology, systems and users. He propose that applying computer-simulated scenarios in user-centered design can help relieve the aforementioned problems and to position user-centered design in a more central role in maritime innovation.
Snorre Hjelseth is an industrial designer with special interest for design thinking in maritime and offshore innovation. His Ph.D. research is focusing on visualization and simulation as a means in interdisciplinary design processes.

Snorre Hjelseth received his Master’s degree in industrial design from the Oslo School of
Architecture and Design (AHO) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
(IIT). He is now working as a design researcher at AHO in the ONSITE research project.