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Student chat: Simon Heidenreich

We have talked to Simon Heidenreich, a fifth year student from Munich, Germany. He studies architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and is currently enrolled at AHO for his exchange year.

"Tabula Plena" out now!

The book "Tabula Plena - Forms of Urban Preservation" is out now and can be bought through AHO.

SCS's new project: Pocket Farm

Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS) are currently working har on their new project Pocket Farm in Skogbygda, Nes Kommune, approx 1 hour from Oslo.

Student chat: Hans Eriksson & Matthew Poot

Meet Hans Eriksson (Sweden) and Matthew Poot (Canada), currently doing their diploma in Landscape Architecture in the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø. They are the second group of students to finish their diploma from the Tromsø-studio, which is a collaboration between AHO and UiT.
