SCS's new project: Pocket Farm
Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS) are currently working har on their new project Pocket Farm in Skogbygda, Nes Kommune, approx 1 hour from Oslo.
You can follow the process, text/photo/video, through their website plus in social medias like Facebook and Instagram. Daily updates!
"The Scarcity Studio is based on team work to develop a project for the Nes kommune.
The intention is to lease or sell the sites to families who want to live in a totally rural setting, having the possibility to do a limited amount of agricultural activities, and yet be close enough to Oslo to be able to commute."
- from the about Småbruk text
"The Scarcity Studio is based on team work to develop a project for the Nes kommune.
The intention is to lease or sell the sites to families who want to live in a totally rural setting, having the possibility to do a limited amount of agricultural activities, and yet be close enough to Oslo to be able to commute."
- from the about Småbruk text