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École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Belleville

École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Belleville

Type of agreement: Erasmus +
Level of studies: Master
Responsible: AHO, Institute of Architecture


Host institution contacts: Bianca Gonzalez, bianca.gonzalez@paris-belleville.archi.fr, +33 1 49 23 12 73

Number of places available



Language of instruction: French
ENSA-PB will only accept students with at least an intermediate level in French (B1). Intensive French courses take place in September. French courses are offered all year round. They are free and organized by the school.

What courses can I take?

It is recommended that students start their studies at ENSA-PB at the beginning of the first semester in September. Student are required to enroll in the courses offered in the year for which they are registered. The titles and content of the courses for each semester may change from year to year.
Read about courses and course registration.

What is the duration of each semester?

The academic year, divided in two semesters, lasts 10 months. It runs from late September to mid-July, with a two-week break in December, with one week break in February, and another two-week break in April. Please find more information in the school's website.


The ENSA-PB is not located on a campus and does not have residence halls for student accommodation. It is the students’ responsibility to make the necessary housing arrangements.

What does it cost? 

As an exchange student you pay only the AHO semester fee. 

Who can apply? 

Architecture students who are in their 6th, 7th or 8th semester at the time of application.

How to apply?

Apply for exchange studies through AHO by 1 February / 15 September through the application form found here.

If you are nominated for exchange, you will be requested to complete the application procedure.
The ENSA-PB only accepts applications sent by e-mail by the International Office of the student’s home university. Portfolios are not necessary. Please find more detailed information about the application procedure on the school's website.

The host institution application deadlines

If you want to start in the 1st semester, the deadline for application is in the end of April.
If you want to start in the 2nd semester, the deadline for application is mid of November.
Please check the exact dates on the school's website.
or write to ENSA-PB exchange coordinator: Bianca Gonzalez, bianca.gonzalez@paris-belleville.archi.fr

Further questions? 

Do not hesitate to contact international-office@aho.no.
About the university
Country: France
City: Paris