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Explanation of grading / Grade appeal

To request an explanation of grade please fill in the online form.
If you wish to appeal your grade, please use the online form to submit an appeal against grades.

If you have requested an explanation of the grading, the deadline to appeal is 3 weeks after you received the explanation.

If you wish to appeal against the grade on a group project or group examination, all the students who were graded in the project must agree and appeal jointly.

The appeal is handled by an Appeal Committee consisting of an external and an internal examiner. The committee makes its evaluations without knowledge of evaluation or grade.

The appeal committee can decide to move the grade up or down. The decision of the appeal committee is final and cannot be appealed.
Appeal procedure

Grade Appeal Procedure

The Study Administration notify students of failing grades by e-mail, informing them about their right to resubmit (for non-written exams) or appeal the grade.

Request for Explanation

Students can request an explanation of a grade or a failing grade. Send request to Study Administration in writing within one week from the grade was posted on StudentWeb.

The course instructor responsible for the grade has two weeks from the submission of the request to provide an explanation.
For studio courses the written evaluation given by the course instructor is used as explanation of the grade (cf Regulations for master’s degree programs at AHO § 6-12)


The student can appeal against the grade. Appeals are to be sent to the Study Administration within three weeks after receiving the explanation of the grade, or after the grade were published on StudentWeb.
The appeal is handled by an Appeal Committee consisting of an external and an internal examiner. The committee makes its evaluations without knowledge of evaluation or grade. 

The following documents are sent to the Appeal Committee:

  • Final delivery
  • Program
  • A syllabus
  • A copy of the Law of Universities (universitetsloven) §5-2 and §5-3

Appeal process

The Appeal Committee deliberates within three weeks, and render a new assessment based on the submitted materials. The committee can extend its deadline but must keep the student informed.  The student will be advised of the final decision in writing. The decision of the appeal committee is final and cannot be appealed. The Study Administration keep a copy of the final decision. (cf the The Law of Universities and Colleges (universitets- og høgskoleloven) §5-3(6)).