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Diploma project

Liz LeBlanc

Kaja Misvær Kistorp
Torunn Wibe
The solution, of course, is obvious: close the cracks. After extensive observational research, it became clear that larger issues exist underneath the small, forgotten tasks. The staff often feel their jobs and responsibilities are constantly being changed, mostly by people who are too high up to see what the work really looks like. Shadowing the staff members revealed the nuances of working in a nursing home in a different way than had been shown before. This new information is now available through this interactive resource.
Frida Johansen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Knut Hjeltnes
Every building has, if not a program, a purpose. In search of architecture on the place’ terms, I wanted to ensure that the place and its conditions also laid the premise for the purpose. Thus the program chosen was a farm. 

A farm does not only relate to a place, it is, in the best cases, there because of it. As a sort of land keeper, dispensing its resources.

This, I think, is also how the best cases of architecture are brought out; as a spatial dispenser of its place. With awareness of changing it.

Siri Idland

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Sunter
Lars Hamran
Above Oslo is a contribution to the present discussion on high-rise buildings as a strategy for further densification in the central parts of Oslo. Placing the building close to an existing traffic node, gives several people the benefits of living an urban life. Timber is the main structural material. It has well-documented environmental properties as well as the advantage of being an important part of the Norwegian building culture.
Maia Hodne

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Going to the theater has a strong ritual. You enter the building, often nicely dressed. You hang off your coat and collect your ticket. If you are with someone, you mingle and smalltalk in the foyer before it is time to enter the hall. There is often a walk towards it, and it often involves a staircase. It is clear where you are suppose to go. When entering the hall, you find your row and then your seat.

And then you wait.

Sigbjørn Cornelius Myhre WillemsenGaute Simonsen

Kai Justin Reaver
Aina Dahle
An independent school building in the city, vis-ible to the public, will create awareness and a common recognition to the craft of bricklaying. Altering the public`s perception of the profession will also help conceive student pride for their craft. Separating the school from the institu-tionalized high school model will also provide suitable education facilities for the specific handcraft.

Our ambition is to create a place that will educate and motivate bricklay-ers to appreciate and further develop their craft.


Ingrid Dobloug RoedeMari Ervik Sætre

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Akersgata, the “Fleet Street” of Oslo, is home to both Government and established media houses. A new resource centre for the press provides facilities for freelancers and independent media producers while co-locating press unions and organizations. The transformation of an existing city block gives spatial diversity, and the 1800s buildings serve as a protective layer, providing the centre with privacy and a number of entrances. Two new buildings hold functions that could service a wide range of competing or collaborating media producers.
Thomas Andre Johannessen Etnestad

Per Olaf Fjeld
Rolf Gerstlauer
Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan
Jeg har undersøkt hvordan en bolig kan ta del i bruken av et utfordrende terreng og med naturlige og bygde adkomster skape et samspill mellom dem. Boligen gis en generøsitet til rommene som møter disse adkomstene for at familien skal kunne være sosiale og ta del i boligens og naturens kvaliteter.

Niklas LenanderStefan James Hurrell

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Engh
This semester we have been considering how the character of spaces for learning and play could support the school´s programme and use, while informing its relationship to the city, the arrangement of spaces, and ultimately the choice of structure and materials. 

Mari Nysveen HellumMaria Andreassen Hummelsund

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Neven Mikac Fuchs
The sublime landscape of the site forms a monastery garden where the monastic life is lived. A path connects all the important spaces of the monastery and provides a walk of contemplation between the monks’ daily tasks – work, prayer, meals and recreation.

A monastery facilitates a range of diverse spaces with different functional and atmospheric requirements. This project investigates the architectural themes introduced by this program and the site at the island of Selja.


Jonas Østhagen HamarTruls Schiefloe Sandbakk

Marius Nygaard
WBB Team
Håkon Matre Aasarød
The combination of scale and variety of indoor and outdoor functions make kindergartens suitable as a measure to upgrade and revitalize an area’s city fabric and urban situation.

Our proposal of a kindergarten in combination with public offers takes on the task of upgrading the brownfield site of Grünerhagen, which today stands dislocated from the river, and create an unique backdrop along Akerselva’s continuous public riverfront.

