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The Spectral Landscapes of Oslo

Maximilian Vinzenz Schob

Diploma project

Architecture and Landscape
Spring 2018
Institute of Urbanism and Landscape

Ann-Sofi Rönnskog

The Spectral Landscapes of Oslo investigates the spatial configurations, in and around the Norwegian capital of Oslo, as a wide array of intersecting processes, through the means of the creation of a diverse set of operational images. 

The images introduce a measure of intensity, in the context of a time-based evolution, to create a seamless categorisation of landscape features, qualified through the identification and interpretation of patterns. Within this context, patterns are continuous conditions such as use of materials, complexity of built environment or division and use of space.
What is figure, what is ground? In order to act towards the matters that stay hidden to our perception, we need to enhance our spectrum of perspectives on the world.


Maximilian Vinzenz Schob - maximilian.vinzenz.schob@stud.aho.no - +49 172 31 90 420