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Ethical Guidelines for Academic Supervision

The working and learning environment at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) must be safe and inclusive. Harassment, racism and discrimination must not occur. The school's ethical guidelines apply to all employees (academic supervisors, students and PhD candidates) in all professional and social situations. AHO must provide students and PhD candidates with high-quality academic supervision. The guidelines for academic supervision apply to all levels of education, from basic education to PhD level, and the term "student" is used as a collective term for all students, fellows and others who receive academic supervision, and the term "academic supervisor" is used for both teachers, external examiners, supervisors and other academic guidance. Students must be informed about the ethical guidelines at the start of their studies. The relationship between the supervisor and the student must be characterized by respect, professionalism, care, discretion, loyalty, honesty and cooperation.


Joint responsibility

The academic supervisor and the student or candidate must show respect for each other, and both have a responsibility to contribute to an academic dialogue. They must not perform actions or make statements that may seem discriminatory or offensive to the other's integrity or dignity. The supervisor must pay particular attention.


The power relationship between the academic supervisor and the student is asymmetric and the supervisor has a special responsibility to ensure that teaching and supervising occurs in accordance with the ethical guidelines. The supervisor shall not use his/her professional knowledge and authority to offend or oppress, or to gain professional or personal advantages at the expense of the student/candidate. The student/candidate has the right to raise issues that they believe are problematic according to the section below on conflict prevention. Students should not experience retaliation when they exercise their right. Because of this asymmetry, academic supervisors should make a special effort to facilitate constructive, professional dialogues.


The academic supervisor and the student shall have a professional relationship, and they should not have relationships that impedes this professionalism. The supervisor has a special responsibility not to place the student in a vulnerable situation and/or take advantage of such a situation. The rules on impartiality in the Public Administration Act also apply to supervisory relationships. The supervisor and the candidate cannot, for example, be close relatives, have a sexual relationship or have such a close personal connection to each other that the supervisor may be biased. The supervisor and the candidate must be open about other circumstances that may affect the academic supervision and contribute to the handling of these matters. In case of questions about impartiality, contact the study counsellor or head of department.



Academic supervisors must exercise caution and discretion when referring to colleagues and other supervisors and must avoid discussing private circumstances. The supervisor should be open and responsive to any of the student's personal circumstances that may have an impact on the supervision relationship and refer further if necessary (such as SiO's health services).


Permission must be obtained from the student in advance if the academic supervisor wishes to use the student's material or results in their own research or artistic activity, and the subject's norms for crediting must be followed. The same applies to students' use of the supervisor's material and research. Supervisors and students must follow good practice for references and co-authorship as described in national research ethics guidelines and in The Vancouver Recommendations.

Conflict prevention

Both parties have a responsibility to try to find solutions if cooperation is made difficult by professional or personal disagreements. If the conflict cannot be resolved internally between the parties involved, the parties can contact a third party, in the following order:
• Students can contact a study counsellor, head of department, student union representative or the health safety representative
• PhD students who are not employed at AHO can contact the person responsible for the programme and PhD students employed at AHO can contact the head of department, employee representative or the health and safety representative
• Academic supervisors can contact the head of department or the person responsible for the programme

Termination of supervisory relationship

If, for various reasons, the supervisory relationship ends before the agreed time, both the academic supervisor and the student are obliged to contribute to ensuring that this happens in an orderly manner. An academic supervisor cannot normally resign before a new supervisor has been appointed, but a temporary supervisor can be used if necessary. The decision to terminate the supervision relationship shall be made by the head of department for bachelor’s and master’s students and the decision shall be made by the PhD Programme Board for the PhD. level, following a proposal from the head of department and head of the PhD Programme.