Passed foundation level coyurses
The studio starts 18th January and ends 5th June
The semester project will be the design of a holiday house in a Norwegian landscape.
The discourse of the studio will concern themes that have a special standing in Norwegian architectural production:
Nature as a cultural phenomenon
Nature as narrative
Nature as facts
Nature as a source to architectural content and quality
An important reference in the studio will be Norwegian landscape painting represented by the work of Lars Hertervig (1830-1902) and the studio will start with explorations of Hertervig's landscape paintings and the establishment of individual sites on the basis of these studies.
The design process will be divided into distinct phases from idea- to detailed project with collective reviews in connection with each phase. an important element in the studio will be the question of how the qualities of the site will influence the architectural decisions: the choice of structure and materials and the design of spatial configurations and qualities.
The studio will explore how varying representational methods are suited for different focuses in the design and there will be emphasis on work in large scale models and image production. There will be exercises related to model making and image production led by external tutors.
At the end of the studio the students will:
Have acquired experience with designing a small building in landscape
Have acquired knowledge of the concept of landscape and of building design
Improved their skills in architectural representation
Have visited examples of modern Norwegian architecture of high quality
There will be studio tutoring, lectures on architecture, art and nature, and seminars focusing on production skills
There will be an excursion to Norway visiting several relevant projects
Christian Norberg-Schulz, Minnesjord
Gyldendal, Oslo 1991
(English version of some text is available)
Holger Koefoed, Lars Hertervig - lysets maler
Gyldendal, oslo 1985
(No english text is available)
Holger Koefoed, I Lars Hertervigs skog
Gyldendal, Oslo 1991
Raymond Queuneau, Stiløvingar
Pax, Oslo 1996
(Available in several languages)
Mandatory coursework | Courseworks required | Presence required | Comment |
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet | 1 | Not required | Reviews are mandatory |
Presence required | The course starts January 19th and ends June 5th. Students must be present at 90% of the prepared teaching | ||
Grouping | Grading scale | Comment |
Individual | Pass / fail | The student will be assessed on the basis of project quality and general studio activity |
Individual | Pass / fail | The student will be assessed on the basis of project quality and general studio activity |
Workload activity | Comment |
Lectures | Generelle arkitekturforelesninger og forelesninger knytet til kunst, natur og de ulike arbeidsmetodene |
Planning assignment | En prosjekteringsoppgave som går gjennom hele semesteret |
Individual supervision | Veildning på salen |
Written assignments | Det vil også bli lagt vekt på tekstlig formidling |