fbpx S P A – Studio for Potensiell Arkitektur | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


S P A – Studio for Potensiell Arkitektur

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
S P A – Studio for Potensiell Arkitektur
Course code: 
80 603
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Beate Hølmebakk
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses

Course content

The main objective of Studio for Potential Architecture is to produce projects where the instumental framework for development of architectural form is investigated and explored.
The brief for this semester is to design a retreat: a non religious, time limited dwelling for a group of maximum 15 people. The establishment with its support program should constitute a small society where the relationship between individuals and community plays an important role. Each student is to choose an island as site for her/his project. The island should have landscape character. It can be situated anywhere in the world.

Specification and mapping of the site’s character, the building’s program and the guests’ needs will constitute the early studies in the studio. Georges Perec’s (1) novel Life: A User’s Manual (Kindle, Vintage Digital, 2012) will have a central position in this work where the aim is to establish the architectural story and to define instrumental strategies for the development of the (individual) project.

Further on the architectural project shall be established and developed through writing, drawing and model building until it reaches completion in a relevant scale.

(1) The writer Georges Perec belonged to the OuLiPo group ("Ouvroir de Literature Potentielle"). Littérature potentielle is defined as «the search for new srtuctures and patterns that can be used by the writer as he pleases.»

Learning outcome

At the end of the studio the student will have acquired knowledge on design methodology, programming and building design i a landscape context. He/she will have improved his/her skills in architectural representation and have acquired experience with establishing an architectural story.

Working and learning activities

There will be studio tutoring, reviews with invited critics, lectures and seminars on architecture, related art and literature. There will be a workshop focusing on image making with an external tutor. The studio plans an excursion to Switzerland.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solvingS P A fordrer fulltids studium og det stilles relativt høye krav til konseptualiseringsevne. Det må forventes stor arbeidsinnsats.
Written assignments
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:S P A fordrer fulltids studium og det stilles relativt høye krav til konseptualiseringsevne. Det må forventes stor arbeidsinnsats.
Workload activity:Lectures
Workload activity:Written assignments