Explore the hidden treasures of the AHO library
Did you know the AHO library is an excellent place to go treasure hunting? The library has a rich history and holds around 50.000 books and magazines, plenty of them unique and special.
Did you know the AHO library is an excellent place to go treasure hunting? The library has a rich history and holds around 50.000 books and magazines, plenty of them unique and special.
Marcin Wojcik will defend his PhD thesis "REFRAMING WOOD CONSTRUCTION Innovation in architecture through activating material properties with the use of digital technologie" at AHO on December 4th.
The design project for Xiongan New City Urban Facilities by ‘AHO TEAM’ is included in the International Urban Furniture Exhibition, which opened 25 November in Shanghai. The project won the third prize in May 2020 in the international competition, organized by Hebel Xiongan New Area Authorities and CAFA - Central Academy of Fine Arts from Beijing.
The five Coastal Mapping Research Studios, have been mapping the impact of fisheries on Norwegian rural settlement on a territorial level, and on the level of place. At the end of 2021 all fishing villages from Bodø to the border to Russia, will have been investigated. This exhibition gives a report from our work in the “core area” for the Cod Fisheries; Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.