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Peripheral Tales - workshop in the American desert


Peripheral Tales - workshop in the American desert

A Master course is currently in Scottsdale, Arizona, where they have done a workshop to reach a new awareness and understanding of a place. 
The study trip to Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture i Arizona, is part of the course Measures and weight; Large Structures, supervised by Lisbeth Funck and Matthew Anderson
In the workshop Peripheral Tales they started by reading a selected text by the Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård for 
inspiration. The task was to discover and explore qualities “as they are” - rediscoveries of something that until now have been hidden or mute.

The students recognised a 1000 sq ft territory in the surroundings of Taliesin West. They then investigated the relationship centre/periphery, and strengthen/weakening the existing conditions and connections using the ground, found objects, clay, and plaster. 


The workshop finished with group performances of their works in front of an audience consisting of students and teachers from Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.
Next stop on the trip is California, where they will visit Schindler House, Eames House and John Lautners Sheats Goldstein Residens.

The works will be exhibited at AHO in the Spring.