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Diploma project

Um-Ul-Banin SyedAndreas Juul Bergene

Bente Johanne Kleven
Atle Leira


Atoosa Yasaman Ghanaei

Rainer Stange
Karin Helms


District 22 is located on the westernmost part of Tehran. A district with an agricultural past, It is 1/7th of the entire city’s size with the altitude of 1400-1800 meters. Tehran’s erratic sprawl of high-rise towers, and its dry climate has intensified the erosion and aridity.

Yuxi Peng

Karin Helms
Miguel Hernandez



Beili Chen

Alf Haukeland
Karin Helms



Yuqing Cui

Eric Reid

Axel Berggraf Egenæs

Mosse Sjaastad

Emil Søderstrøm Gaden

Einar Sneve Martinussen

Digitale teknologier har en avgjørende rolle for det grønne skiftet og er et av de viktigste verktøyene man har for å redusere utslipp i en rekke sektorer, men den eksplosive veksten i forbruket vårt er i ferd med å utfordre de positive effektene. Klarer vi å redusere det totale dataforbruket vårt vil overgangen til et klimanøytralt samfunn være enklere.
Tim Cæsar Knutsen

Steinar Westhrin Killi


As this is the first attempt to consider the value of aluminium dross there were little to no information about how to work with it. Throughout the five months of this project, I discovered nine textures, made three objects out of the material that serve as a representation of the potential of aluminium dross and a handbook for how it can be explored further.

Mikkel Sommerschield Jøraandstad

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Through a continuous creation process called “One Week, One Chair” — a process where one chair is made every week for ten consecutive weeks — I explore different qualities of the chair in order to gain greater knowledge. The “One Week, One Chair” process and the insights it ac- cumulates builds the foundation for creating one last chair, which in itself materializes and demonstrates the findings that were made throughout the process.
Shengwen LINXiaoyun XIAOYUN WANG

Mosse Sjaastad
Lars Marcus Vedeler
In terms of the title, “Reshape Memories”, the word “memories” has a double meaning. On one hand, memories are not absolutely accurate; they can be reinterpreted and giv- en new meanings. When we look back at a photo, we are constantly making associations in our brains to reinterpret a memory. On the other hand, our final concept is inspired by
the “Memories” feature of today’s smartphone albums, which brings photos that may be im- portant back to users through AI technology. Our outcome “Colagic” takes “Memories” fur- ther by making photos into collages through AI technology.
