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Diploma project

Ingemar Eirik Nesheim

Bente Kleven
Erik Fenstad Langdalen

The traffic bridge is re-programmed so as to maintain a barrier against gentrification albeit with different means than before. It is made attractive and fortified through a program of public interest, and further utilised to create a green connection between the river promenade and the fjord, continuing over the railway tracks of the Oslo Central Sta-tion. Grønland is a spatially small but diverse district, marked by a wide range of stake-holders.
Jacob Emil Klingen Borg

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
More then ever we are demolishing our built environment and obliterating our nature in the sake of progress. This attitude towards the existing environment has high costs on many levels. As a coming architect I am inspired to think and see value in what we already have around us, both the built and the living. In the design process words like securing, preserving and maintaining has gained new strength. And only when needed, additions are made.

Xiaotong Wang

Nina Bjørnstad
Sexually abused children can sometimes struggle to do things to care for themselves. The demand for help was so great. Although effective treatments have been developed, they are not widely available, and sometimes when children try to help themselves they often make matters worse.This diploma is about helping children to recover from the mental effects of sexual abuse by using self-healing products. The target user group is 7 to 14 years old survivors in China, especially left-behind children.

Hedda Aarrestad

Sabine Muller

As the sprucification of contemporary forests leads to vulnerability in a changing climate, there’s a need to reimagine their potential. The project departures from the historical cultural landscape, but with no ambition of bringing back the past. Rather the multifunctionality and spatiality of a mixed forested landscape is further explored. Through better adapted cultivation practices, the forest meets the demand of regional and ecologically produced products.
Jessica Minn

Janike Kampevold Larsen
Marianne Lucie Skuncke
The Catskills Mountains of New York state changed the way Americans view nature. It was the birthplace of the 19th century romantic landscape art movement known as the Hudson River School that inspired a sense of national pride in the American wilderness, and led to the emergence of nature tourism in the Catskills and beyond.

Maya Libiszowski

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica


Nicolene McKenzie

Annie Breton


Martin Pangy Rojas Preter BøckmanAugust Korbøl Eriksen

Lars Marcus Vedeler
Mosse Sjaastad
Det foregår en digitaliseringsprosess der stadig flere skoler innfører digitale læremidler, og innholdsprodusentene satser mer på digitale læreverk. I 2020 trer Fagfornyelsen i kraft. Her skisseres visjonene for en ny skole som skal ruste elevene for et samfunn i rask endring. Noe som er nytt er at det skal legges mer vekt på dybdelæring, som er å forstå noe så godt at du kan anvende kunnskapen i nye situasjoner.

Joakim Engelsjord KallestadVegard Kjørsvik Hartmannn

Birgitta Cappelen
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Mosse Sjaastad
I vår diplomoppgave har vi fokusert på manipulativ design i digitale medier, også kalt “dark patterns” på engelsk. Manipulativ design utny-tter kunnskap om hvordan hjernen fungerer og hvordan vi tar beslut-ninger. Tjenester blir designet slik at det utnytter våre kognitive svak-heter til sin fordel. Konsekvensene kan være dramatiske for sårbare grupper, diskriminering og samfunnet.



Rolf Gerstlauer
What makes a church a church? What makes us stand in awe in a church? Is it the statue or the cross on the wall? Is it the symbol that makes the church? For me, Church is about architecture.

What does architecture mean to me? What makes architecture an art? Why are we moved by architecture? For me, architecture is about church.

