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Diploma project

Jørgen Sebastian Ebbel Frederiksen

Stein Georg Rokseth
Steinar Killi
Even Wøllo
Thomas N. Dahle
Throughout the year, the workers of the Norwegian Air ambulance face difficult rescues and challenging environments.  In these scenarios, they use a dedicated helmet with additional equipment according to the rescue operation.
This project takes aim at solving issues that they are currently experiencing with their existing equipment.
By integrating adjustable ventilation and technical equipment, this search and rescue helmet provides increased comfort in all scenarios, with a reduced number of add-ons.

Nora Langleite JanceyJulie Årving

Edward David Matthews
Einar Sneve Martinussen
I overgangen fra arbeidslivet til pensjonistlivet er det mange spørsmål som kan dukke opp. Pensjonssystemet vårt er komplisert, og gjør mange usikre på sin fremtidige økonomi. Samtidig kan denne livsfaseovergangen oppleves som et stort emosjonelt brudd med tap av roller, nettverk og følelsen av å være samfunnsnyttig.
Jonas Carlsen KolstadGard Hagen

Steinar Killi
In all of the world’s seas, oceans, and waterways, fishing gear is continually lost and discarded. As a result, animals become captured, only to die from starvation, predation, cannibalism, disease, or poor water quality. When caught animals die, they, in turn, attract scavengers, thus creating a cycle of death.
Jessica Lauren Peter

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Nina Bjørnstad
Some makers are drawn to the meticulous qualities of traditional knitting techniques, favouring needles or hand-powered machines. Others would rather embrace new technology, adopting new gadgets into their craft, picking up ideas and dropping stitches. This project is for the latter group.
Hack 1 Knit 2 focuses on whole-garment knitting: a technology that enables the creation of fully formed seamless garments that don’t require additional assembly after exiting the knitting machine.
Frøya ThueFrida V D Drift Breivik

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Steinar Killi
DYPP is a design diploma exploring the future potential of seaweed as bioplastic through strategic use of design. Based on our own explorations, interviews and feedback from experts, our design proposal consists of a roadmap and four future scenarios. The aim of the roadmap is to create an overview and illustrate key steps and relations between the industry, government and research departments. To exemplify a possible development, we have designed four future scenarios using seaweed for packaging. The scenarios are illustrated through physical touchpoints and future trends.
Ester Hauan Kaasa

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Steinar Killi
Berit Bringedal
Every year about 300 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Norway. Cervical cancer can be eradicated. This diploma is made in collaboration with the Norwegian Cervical Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) and explores how design interventions can reinforce their services and aims to support them in reaching the goal of eliminating cervical cancer.
August Denizou LundJens Christian Boxaspen

Steinar Killi
Stein Georg Rokseth
The snow-capped mountainous terrain, deep blue fjords, lush valleys, wild and untouched nature, cold winters and mild summers. All this and more makes Norway to what it is. While also contributing to making Norway a difficult land for building railway infrastructure. However, we believe that this challenging nature is exactly what would make Norwegian high-speed rail into more than just a transpor 
leg, making for one of the most scenic rail experiences in the world.

Andreea TecusanHelene Falstad

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Daniel Mahal
Sebastian Gorton Kalvik
Because of a lack of words, action and tools, the people around a griever tend to disappear. In Norway, grief is often an individual and lonely experience.

Approaching grievers can feel risky and intimidating; the fear of making things worsetends to push people away. We have created an alternative present showing new ways of approaching people in mourning.

Andrea Kristine Lysgaard

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Marianne Støren Berg
Kom Hjem er en konseptskisse av et digitalt samarbeidsverktøy for Sykehuset i Vestfold, SiV. Verktøyet skal brukes av sykepleiere og foreldre til premature nyfødte. Dette muliggjør et hjemme-sykehus på nyfødtavdelingen ved SiV, der mor og barn kan komme tidligere hjem.
Samarbeidsverktøyet er
- et digitalt oppslagsverk for informasjon
- synlige verdier av parametere som blir målt på barnet
- en kommunikasjonsplattform mellom foreldre og sykepleiere etter hjemreise
- en triage (grønn, gul og rød), der grad av alvor blir beskrevet i tre scenarioer
Mohammed Zeeshan Elahi Aziz

Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Young Eun Choi
The hotel and garden as imagined in this proposal are both a private shed and a public monument located between the city and the sea on the peninsula of port Alexandria, Egypt.
