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Diploma project

Loris Clara

Neven Mikac-Fuchs
Young Eun Choi
Today’s globally growing tourist industry demands to bring people fast and efficiently to high altitudes to do sports activities like skiing and hiking. For the development of alpine rural landscapes, cable car is the most ideal infrastructural system for this transportation.

Frida Støvern

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Daniel Hasan
80% av sanseinntrykkene våre kommer fra synet. Hvordan er det da å orientere seg uten denne sansen? Ved å få en forståelse
av rom og retning bidrar dette til trygghet og en selvstendig hverdag, men hva gjør du når møtet med en uforutsett hindring gjør byen din ugjenkjennelig?

Denne diplomoppgaven har sett på hvordan møtet med disse hindringene kan bli mindre frustrerende. Fra å tenke digitale løsninger på skjerm, har jeg eksperimentert på tvers av sanser og sett på nye måter oppleve digitalt innhold.

Zane Cerpina

Claes Håkan Edeholt
YW™ - Your Water is a speculative industrial design concept that aims to radically challenge the way the public perceives, thinks of and gets involved in with the increasing water scarcity in the age of the Anthropocene.
YW™ is a modular household size wastewater treatment system - that turns black and grey water into clean drinking water. It also extracts valuable secondary by-products such as energy and nutrients that would be otherwise lost.
Vilde Rebekka Aasen

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Gyldendal Undervisning
Springbrett is a tool for Gyldendal’s editorial team to initiate and facilitate an interdisciplinary way of working with other in-house competencies.
In the fall of 2020, the Subject Renewal will introduce a new, ambitions national curriculum for all Norwegian Public Schools, with focus on critical thinking and reflection, through interdisciplinary project work. Gyldendal, Norway's biggest publishing house, wishes to support teachers in this shift by offering pre-made interdisciplinary learning programs in their digital learning platform Skolestudio.
Trygve Shadi Restan

Birgitta Cappelen
Harm reduction is an approach to improve health and give persons with high-risk addiction challenges a more dignified life, through offerings such as safe injection sites and sterile syringes.   

My diploma proposes a new public service, Luna, which serves as national harm reduction centers.  At Luna, the members can get a more comprehensive care package when living a high-risk drug life.
Tarjei Nerbø Ødegård

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Jørn Georg Sannes Knutsen
Peder Torget
Hvordan kan politisk informasjon formidles og hjelpe unge velgere med å ta ett standpunkt? Målet med oppgaven er å skape interesse for, og refleksjon rundt, samfunnsspørsmål samt øke kunnskapsnivået til unge velgere.
Taaha Bin Khalid

Mosse Sjaastad
Information and communication technology has revolutionised the traditional systems of knowledge sharing. Today, hundreds of digital presentations are made every day in conferences and events as well as by various organisations and educational institutions. However, the accessibility aspects of those presentations have hardly been given any consideration.
Paulina Alejandra Buvinic Hormazábal

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Josina Vink
Nowadays, the culture around assisted reproduction is primarily focused on effectiveness and success rates, making many patients feel like they are not being acknowledged as people, but that they are part of a production line.
Katja Surina

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Computers are our personal companions that many had access to long before they could walk. To some extent, we have developed an excellent understanding of how to operate a personal computer. However, what do we really know about computer maintenance and how to best fix them? The lack of basic hardware knowledge and some practical repairing skills results in the increased rate of computer electronics disposal. Thus, leaving Norway on the top of E-waste generation chart in the world.  

Karen Byskov

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
A Chain of Events is a project looking at what happens after bicycle accidents and suggests four interventions that can offer support after an accident. Acknowledging that accidents will never be a pleasant experience, the project aims to make bicycle accidents less shitty. This is done by offering information and support at various points in time through the accident journey.
