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Diploma project

Madhulika Ringe

Thomas Juel Clemmensen
Annie Breton
Many disciplines come together in modern-day mining operations; however, the role of a Landscape Architect almost comes as an afterthought and often in concern with reclamation.
This project seeks to open up existing mines of Bjørnevatn, a small town near Kirkenes in the extreme north of Norway. The mines are an important part of the town’s identity and during its waiting period could be made accessible to the public.
Enrico Zanusso

Giambattista Zaccariotto
Rengifo Zenon Ortega Mora
Hovseter valley is part of comprehensive system of open spaces that are instrumental to the spatial and functional quality of Oslo. The project interpret the river valleys as a park: a material, physical space (of land and water flows to manage), a social space (of conflicts among actors/activities to solve), a cultural space (of ethic and aesthetic values to preserve), a political space (of land use rules to define), a public space (of freedom of expression to ensure). The water system is key component of the valley-park.
Dale Steven Wiebe

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Janike Kampevold Larsen
The project aims to embrace the artificiality of the forest. Thus if we can consider that forestry is an act of design, what other spatial opportunities does the forest provide? The project uses the industrial action of timber extraction as a design tool to create bosquets, open air rooms in the forest.
The rooms increase formal legibility while embracing the environmental conditions of the site.  Set within the rooms, a new set of objects are placed, making for a new cultural sceneography.
Alice Smejkalova

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Ribekka Beitveit
Mental health problems are one of the biggest health problems worldwide, particularly among youth, as a lot of mental problems found in adulthood have their onset in adolescence. We know that spending time in nature has been proven to have a positive effect on mental health. With this in mind, this service design project explores the possibilities of using nature in mental health promotion. The approach of this project was to combine research on the issue today with exploration of future scenarios.

Michael Patrick Warshawski

The polar night, and its counterpart, the midnight sun, offer a definition of the arctic experience.  And yet, why don’t the public spaces of the high north reflect these unique dualities and cycles?
Can a landscape offer what the current season can not:  The warmth of light in the dead of winter?  The calm of darkness during the constant assault of illumination during the midnight sun?
Anne BergslandInger Rosenløw Uhl

Giambattista Zaccariotto
Sabine Muller
Tuva Maire
In Norway, farming culture and leisure time in nature and the woods has historic bonds between man and earth. Today, ever-evolving technology in the field of robotics encounters agricultural techniques. At the same time, the territory of Romerike grows from smaller patches to a larger and monotonous way of farming. There lies a deep-rooted potential in rethinking how an agricultural landscape can be seen in the future. By studying the soil, vegetation and social patterns of the territory, a new and «ambi-chronologic» way of viewing the landscape can be achieved.
Maria Årthun

Marianne Skjulhaug
Joakim Skajaa
Lisbet Harboe
Oppgaven utfolder seg på Rødtvet, et drabantbyområde i Groruddalen som blir ansett som lite attraktivt.  Stedet skal i årene som kommer gjennomgå en transformasjon i form av boligfortetting hvilket vil påvirke området som helhet. Mitt prosjekt forholder seg konkret til Rødtvet og stedets beboere. Jeg ønsket å undersøke hva jeg som nyinnflyttet nabo og arkitekt kan bidra med for å øke det lokale engasjementet i den pågående fortetningsprosessen, samt å styrke stedsidentiteten og områdestoltheten til Rødtvet.
Resultatet av dette arbeidet ble RØDTVETfestivalen.
Ragnhild Marie C Østern

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Using natural fibers from plants and animals has always been an essential part of human life. The Living Fibers museum aims to educate on the origin and potential of familiar materials. The museum lets the visitors encounter natural fibers in two very different forms of existence; one as living plants and animals, conceived by nature. The other as products of the creative human mind. 

Zheng Zhou

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The story of 22.July, which contain deeply painful but also catalyze the maturity, it always be treated as sensitive topic nowadays. However, the wound will eventually heal, the story will definitely become more objective and educational. The place in where keep this story should leave the revelation behind for future generations.

Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan
Thomas von Ballmoos
Based on a special building type in socialist countries - Children's Palace, setting in an urban context, the project is to design a new ’palace’ beside an existing primary school in Nanjing.
Except for the complicated urban context, I kept thinking about the essence of this builidng type: It is a paradise for children, a world of wonder and magic, a container of state-sponsored fantasy. In oder to capture the appropriate atmosphere for a children's palace, I studied Palace as a theme and reference.
