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Diploma project

Christopher Robert Fieldhouse Pearsell-Ross

Mosse Sjaastad
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
NextGen Publishing Products
Schibsted Media Group
The Future of Journalism: building futures literacy within Schibsted Media Group is an experimental, embedded design project exploring how product teams at Schibsted can use the future as a creative tool. The result is Futures Compass, a collaborative futures game.
Futures Compass is designed to help teams make sense of trends and explore a range of possible futures. More than that, it helps teams to integrate what they learn from these adventures into today’s world.
Ole-Birger Neergård

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Jørn Georg Sannes Knutsen
Birgitta Cappelen
This diploma project is about exploring the current state of music streaming, and looking into how it could be improved. Through this explorative design process, I have researched how people listen to music and use their different streaming services today, and explored how some of their issues can be addressed.

Jomy Joseph

Claes Håkan Edeholt
Linda Blaasvær
Synne Christiansen
With the onset of cataclysmic climate change and the sixth mass extinction, organised human life is presented with a bleak future. Even in our collective imagination we are forced to comprehend the self-reinforcing loop of dystopian thinking. This diploma is a speculative industrial design project that tries to create a space for collective, rigorous imaginings for better futures in the context of solar energy. The project explores the role industrial design can play in investigating the texture of more hopeful futures through speculative fiction, VR and traditional industrial design tools.
Yijun Guo

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Birgitta Cappelen
Wi-Fi issues can be annoying and hard to solve for ordinary people. When they experience Wi-Fi issues, they need the help of their internet service provider (ISP) to solve these problems. Currently, this is mostly done by calling them or googling it.
Domos is a Norwegian ‘business-to-business’ company. They provide an advanced in-home Wi-Fi service tool. This tool can be used for monitoring Wi-Fi data, improve customers’ Wi-Fi connection speed, and so on. It identifies and resolves issues with AI technology in the cloud.

Thiago Lopes de Aguiar Freitas

Kaja Misvær
Birger Ragnvald Sevaldson
Jens Allworthy
Miljødirektoratet has the mandate to spread knowledge about air quality data with the general population. The problem is that there is no consensus about what positive action is and people have a hard time processing environmental data.
Stine Sofie Fevang

Nina Bjørnstad
Vera Pahle
Barn er både inspirasjonskilden og målgruppen i dette prosjektet. UNDRE er utviklet i samarbeid med familiebedriften Blafre, som designer og produserer produkter til barn. Målet har vært å designe et produkt med høy lekeverdi som barn kan utvikle et emosjonelt bånd til, skape gode opplevelser og minner og et ønske om å ta vare på produktet over tid.
Martin Myhrvold Brændhaugen

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Denne diplomoppgaven handler om medborgerskap som samfunnsengasjement, og hvordan innsyn i politiske dokumenter kan skape politisk engasjement. Målet med oppgaven er å gi nye innbyggerne kunnskap, integrering og tilhørighet til det politiske livet som ny i en kommune.
Hanne MorstadAmalie Skrede

Mosse Sjaastad
Ståle Stenslie
The National Gallery is brimming with people of knowledge who educate and inspire visitors. Outside the museum, little has been done to engage those who forget it as a place to go. Classic museums must find new ways to entice future visitors in a world filled with fast entertainment.

Niloufar GharaviMelina MELINA HOZHABRI

Linda Blaasvær
Birger Ragnvald Sevaldson
Today, 80 million people are displaced and yet 28,300 people a day are forced to flee their home due to conflict and persecution.
This project is focusing on the context of Transition, such as asylum reception centers where it is important for refugees and asylum seekers to consider integration measures.

Ines Andrea Høvring-DelgadoMarte Wang Engen

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Our project explores the human and cultural aspect of digital security in Norwegian workplaces, and how interactive learning can support employees in making good risk assessments. Through simulated scenarios our aim is to give employees an engaging learning experience that explains how trust can be exploited in digital space. The goal is to enhance the users ability to identify risk and encourage them to do the necessary security measures.
