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Diploma project

Julia Anna Maria Eriksson

Michael Ulrich Hensel
Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
My project proposal is an experience center for children with autism and other disabilities. The center provides spaces where different kinds of bodily movement and experiences can be explored with the purpose of stimulating the development of different kinds of skills. By using motion capture technology the children can interact with some of the rooms using their bodies.

Kaja Strand Ellingsen

Tone Selmer-Olsen
Sabine Muller
Håvard Breivik
While the livelihood opportunities in the refugee camps in Northern Greece are not sufficient, the city center of Thessaloniki represents a huge potential for integration, benefiting both existing citizens and newcomers. There is a large potential in the vacant buildings, the empty ground floors and the unused spaces in the city. How can this be transformed architecturally into common structures for both current and potential citizens?

Thorbjørn Diesen

Bente Kleven
Astrid Rohde Wang
Thale Bjørnerheim
The ambition for this project was to create a somatic rehabilitation center with a varied sequence of spaces that meet service user needs, make it easy to meet one another and accommodate a speedy recovery. All within a structure that differs from a hospital. In addition, it seeks to investigate the possibility an urban setting, that makes use of and gives back to the city.

Jørgen Johan Tandberg
The House for Prisoners is a small prison institution, located in Eiksmarka, Norway. It houses a very distinct type of prisoner with psychosocial disabilities. They are usually isolated in prison due to their aggressive behaviour.
Johannes Ørn Dagsson

Espen Knudsen Vatn
François Charbonnet
«[….] I am neither on one side nor on the other, I am in the middle, I am the wall, I have two faces [surfaces] and no depth." Samuel Beckett. The Unnamable (1953).

The arcade was a project for shopping, for working, and for dwelling. In other words a project for the street. By means of the envelope - the arcade - and a glass roof construction, it folded the city inwards and turned the street into an interior. The inside into an outside.

We use signs to form a character, some are the most primitive of pictograms. They represent materials, construction or the use of space and order. With the combination of the secondary components, new characters are made.

Wai Fung CHU

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
We use signs to form a character, some are the most primitive of pictograms. They represent materials, construction or the use of space and order. With the combination of the secondary components, new characters are made.

Tord Krogstad Bøe

Bente Kleven
Two programs one building. 
The first program is a local need in the city dis-trict of St.Hanshaugen; a multi purpose hall. The second program is a need in the city of Oslo; a student house. 

Johanne Bøckmann

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Anderson
Per Olaf Fjeld
Inspired by early kindergarten ideals, this proposal is based on belief in the child's inherent drive to explore the world through play. The idea is to give the child an organising framework - to encourage interaction with the surroundings, and explore the world by nurturing the playful nature of childhood itself.

Katherine Bylett

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
What will the Deichman be? Hold the speculation! Should not we be first asking the fundamental question: What is the Deichman?
Observing is an act essential for piecing the present state into an intelligible frame of reference. However, the act of observing slides so instinctively into day-to-day life that it is easy to take for granted. Architectural sites are documented at the outset of a project, but how conscious are we of our manner and method of observation?
