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Entering Inaccessible Space - The Continuity of an Industrial Site

Amanda Sophie Holst

Diploma project

Spring 2021
Institute of Form, Theory and History

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Urbanisation is gradually changing our cities. Industry is relocating outside the city core and areas where production took place are left to be integrated into future developments. Hegreneset is an old industrial mill facility that is situated on a peninsula in Bergen with one of the most attractive locations on the coastline. The mill has not been in operation for almost 30 years, but the milling industry has played an important part in the site’s history. My diploma aims to transform Hegreneset from a secluded area to a functioning public place.


Preservation through transformation and reuse has become a common approach on how to assure the future life of old abandoned buildings. The historical layers and characteristics of the place are important factors in the future development of Hegreneset. To assure the continuity and existence of the structures, it is of high importance that they are inhabited with a new program. However, I believe that a program should be a consequence of the identity and qualities of the site and the buildings, not the other way around. 


My diploma is similar to a feasibility study and explore how to activate the inaccessible areas. The investigations have not resulted in a definite proposal with one specific program but instead developed into a strategy on preservation and investigations on architectonical qualities. 

The site consists of 10 buildings that all together make up more than 20.000 square meters. More than 60 per cent of the area are storage units, where the silo typology dominates with a total of 4 buildings. When working with Hegreneset one is obliged to address the history of storage, because it plays such an important part of the site identity. 



Amanda Sophie Holst / Amandaholst@me.com