fbpx MoveDalen: A Park of Experiential Movements in Hovseterdalen | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


MoveDalen: A Park of Experiential Movements in Hovseterdalen

Sepehr Kari Jafari

Diploma project

Spring 2020
Institute of Urbanism and Landscape

Hanne Bat Finke
Marianne Lucie Skuncke
A path is a means of access; however, the quality of access is at the utmost importance in today’s life.MoveDalen is an experiment on how a path system can create different experiential movements. The project aims to stimulate the human body by emphasizing different ways of movements.


The project has started with a thorough analysis by observing a 5 kilometers stretch from the fjord (the mouth of Mærradalsbakken – Mærradalen stream) to the beginning of the stream on the north. The design concept is mainly inspired by this observational analysis in terms of form, dimension, and material.
Based on the topographical potentials of Hovseterdalen and the variety of activities being done by the users of the site, five main movements are introduced. Hurry lane, challeng-ing, winding, playful, and strolling. The order of the movements is based on speed.





MoveDalen renders the liveliness of everyday movement experiences through a different network of path system, rather than deaden the qualities of the connection between peo-ple and their natural and built environment.
Sepehr Kari Jafari / sepehrjafari33@gmail.com / +47 92500858