fbpx Processing Facility for Seaweed | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Processing Facility for Seaweed

Cecilie Schjetlein Sundt

Diploma project

Spring 2017
Institute of Architecture

Erik Fenstad Langdalen

The project investigates a new industrial typology - a facility where high quality seaweed food products are produced. My interest is how the conditions and the requirements of a production process can inform architectural space.

Seaweed is one of the most unexploited natural resources on the planet. Norway has a large and rich occurrence of this re-growing resource and it can be turned into an important source of income for costal communities.
The location and the topography around these communities vary, but a common challenge is the difference in the tide. The scheme is therefore based on the production line and the idea of the building as a bridge between the ocean and the infrastructure on land. 

Cecilie Schjetlein Sundt - ceciliesundt@gmail.com - 92260215