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University of Applied Arts Vienna

University of Applied Arts Vienna

Type of agreement: Erasmus +
Level of studies: Master
Agreement owner: AHO, Institute of Design


Host institution contacts:
Doris Grössing-Schima
(+43) 1711333171

Number of places available



Language of instruction: English, German
UAK expects a profound knowledge of English (B1-B2) from all students. UAK recommends applicants to have knowledge of the German language as well. The certificates of languages proficiency are not required.

What courses can I take?

The titles and content of the courses for each semester may change from year to year.
Students are advised to contact the preferred studio before sending an application.
Read more about upcoming courses

What is the duration of the semester? 

Winter semester: October – January
Summer semester: March – June
See specified dates in the UAK Acedemic Calendar

Please note that University of Applied Arts Vienna only offers one semester of Exchange.


UAK does not provide housing.
Read about accommodation.

What does it cost?

As an exchange student you pay the AHO semester fee.
Additionally, each student, studying at an Austrian University, has to pay a Student Union fee, approx. € 20.

Who can apply?

Design students who are in their 6th or 7th semester at the time of application. 

How to apply?

Apply for exchange studies through AHO by 1 February / 15 September through the application form found here
If you are nominated by AHO, you send your application to UAK by post or e-mail.
Read about the application procedure

The host institution application deadline:

Winter semester / full academic year: 15 April
Summer semester: 15 October

Further questions? 

Please contact international-office@aho.no
About University
Country: Austria
City: Vienna