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Work support

Building & facilities

Hire workshops & construction hall

Unless such hiring out of premises conflicts with the school’s activities, the workshops and the construction hall can be hired out to schools, former students, organisations and others engaging in similar activities.

The following rules apply: 

  1. All work in the workshops is at the user's own risk.
  2. A responsible person representing the tenant shall always be present.
  3. The access only applies to the tenant. The premises must not be opened to others. 
  4. The tenant must keep their own materials. 
  5. The work must be of a limited scope and duration and not involve significant wear and tear to the premises, machines or equipment.
  6. The premises and the equipment must be treated with caution. 
  7. The tenant may be held liable for any damage caused by carelessness.
  8. Safety must be a priority at all times
  9. The tenant must know how to use the machines and the equipment.
  10. Agree on necessary training in how to use the machines and equipment. The tenant will be charged NOK 1,000 per hour for this.
  11. All use of chemicals shall be in accordance with the applicable acts and regulations.
  12. There must be no pollution of the indoor environment or the natural environment.
  13. The person responsible must hold the necessary permits for working with open flames, welding, blowtorches.
  14. Hot works (varme abeider) must be agreed in advance.
  15. All damage etc. must be reported to AHO
  16. The premises must be kept in good order, also while being used. 
  17. They must be tidied after use. 
  18. The tenant is responsible for removing any large amounts of residues and rubbish.
  19. Finished products and residual materials must be removed once the project is completed.


Applies to letting in the period
Monday to Friday 8.00–15.45 (15 Sept.–14 May)
Monday to Friday 8.00–15.00 (15 May–14 September)
Per hour, per person NOK 400  
Per day, per workshop attendant NOK 2,980  
Training per hour NOK 1,000 See section 10.


Bank terminal or invoice (deadline for payment: 30 days)

Lease agreement

To be signed and returned to the head of the workshop department

Framework agreements

AHO has framework agreements for translation services, waste management, cleaning services, catering services and more.

Here you will find an overview of AHO's framework agreements in Norwegian (contracts.tendsign.com).

Information service

The information service is managed by 1.5 permanent positions

Opening hours
Monday - Friday  08.00-15.45 September 15 - May 14. 
Monday - Friday  08.00-15.00 May 15.  - September 14.
Closed   Christmas, Easter & Summer holidays



Edit your profile page

To log in to your profile page at aho.no: log in at Feide here

Download the user manual: "How to edit your profile page"

Aho.no: content requirements

The Information Department is responsible for the content and editing of aho.no.

The website shall be visually attractive and stand out in the sector in terms of its use of design and images. It should mirror AHO's identity and quality, and present the school's field and study programmes in an understandable manner. The website shall be user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The website’s main target group is potential students, and it should work as an important recruitment tool. Other target groups include academia, current students and staff and others with an interest in the school's field.

In order to adapt the content to the user, the communication to the external and internal target groups has been divided.

The webmaster retains the right to edit content before publication and to, without notification, remove pages that are incorrect, outdated or do not meet the criteria for publication.

 Requirements for material to be published/edited at aho.no

  • Requests for publication on the website shall be made in writing
  • Information to be published shall be sent to webmaster@aho.no in a clearly presented manner at least one week before the desired date of publication. The desired location on the website and the content must be clear so that there is no room for misinterpretation.
  • For editing of existing content, send a link to the page that must be updated with the new content attached.
  • Text should be delivered directly in an email or in an attached Word document so that it corresponds with the formatting on the website. Excel spreadsheets, PDFs or other formats will be returned.
  • Image files must be sent as jpg or png.
  • The content must be connected to AHO’s study programmes, research and dissemination.
  • The content must be of interest to the website’s defined target groups.
  • Content owners:
    • The programme director / head of institute are, in cooperation with the head of academic services, responsible for the pages of the respective study programmes.
    • The head of the library is responsible for the library's page.
    • The content of aho.no's subpages is owned by the school’s *study programmes and the administrative departments. The heads of departments are responsible.
    • The Information Department is responsible for pages with editorial content, such as news items.
  • The delivered content must be quality assured and handled correctly by the organisation.
  • The website shall not be used as an archive. The owner of the content shall ensure that the information and original content is correctly archived and saved.
  • The owner of the content is responsible for regularly checking for outdated documents and changes and for notifying the webmaster.
  • If content is to be published in both Norwegian and English, the material must be submitted in both languages. The webmaster does not have the capacity to translate texts.
  • The webmaster decides who can be assigned responsibility for editing the individual pages.
  • The Information Department is responsible for meeting the Language Council of Norway’s requirement that at least 25% of the website shall be in Norwegian Nynorsk. The department responsible shall ensure that all forms under the ‘For AHO staff’ and ‘For AHO Students’ pages are available in both language forms.

 Content for the pages ‘For AHO staff’ and ‘For AHO students’

The administrative departments are responsible for content pertaining to their area of responsibility and for archiving the documents. The website shall not be used as an archive, and the most recent version of the document shall be saved by the department responsible.

The content shall be provided in accordance with a template. Metadata, including the date of the most recent update, the department responsible and who has approved the content, must be filled in before publication.

Content shall be proof-read before being sent to the Information Department.

The departments shall organise translation into English as required.

Forms shall be available in Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk. The responsible department shall ensure this.


Infotorget offers the following services:

  • Help with finding employees or locations in the building
  • Welcomes visitors/notifies of arrivals
  • Processes mail
  • Forwards messages
  • Issues guest parking permits and parking permit stickers to permanent staff and students
  • Service functions, such as selling books and accepting payments at events
  • Postal rounds, security rounds, *delivery rounds, package reception
  • Daily programme at the school, including information about meetings and events
  • Overview of presence/absence registration, contact information/general availability
  • Standby measures. Infotorget shall be notified immediately in the event of accidents or other incidents
  • Room booking
  • Preparing door signs / business cards
  • Sends out information material, e.g. brochures, application forms etc.
  • Course/conference requests – booking
  • PC – user support
  • Books taxis
  • Organises and makes necessary arrangements for diploma ceremonies
  • Stamps posters for the notice board/updates the board

For students



Library services

Copyright, coursepacks, and agreement with Kopinor

All coursepacks consisting of two or more book excerpts must be registered for clearance in Bolk, Kopinor's coursepack service. This also applies when the excerpts are distributed separately and at different times. Contact the Library for clearance. The Reception will help with reproduction, binding and sale of the coursepacks.

Reproduction limitations

  • For students: Up to 15% of the total number of pages. However, an entire chapter or similar unit, an entire short story or an entire scene from a play may be reproduced from a single publication if the reproduction is not to be registered in Bolk. 
  • For employees etc.: Up to 15% of the total number of pages. However, an entire chapter or similar unit, an entire short story or an entire scene from a play may be reproduced from a single publication.
Scientific journals (from one individual issue):
  • For students: No more than one article per subject per term.
  • For employees etc.: No more than one article.
There are no limitations on the extent of reproduction from other periodical publications such as newspapers, weekly periodicals, and cultural and professional journals. The same applies for material published on open websites.
The limitations above do not apply to:
  • Governmental publications, legal statutes etc.
  • Works where the term of protection has expired (70 years after the author’s death).
  • Open Access publications and other material released under Creative Commons licences and other free use licenses.

Course literature for teachers

Tips for teachers regarding reading lists and course shelves in the library.

  • Mandatory reading shall be listed in the study plan.
  • Send us a complete reference list, preferably using reference managers such as EndNote.
  • Send us the list 3 weeks before the terms start.
  • Please check with Oria if we have the literature needed, or if we have to order it.  
  • Only articles and book chapters on your list? We recommend compiling a coursepack.

Library regulations

Lending rights

All students and employees may borrow books as long as they are registered at the school. For exchange students until the end of the term.

Students and staff at KHiO get temporary and limited lending rights by showing a valid access card. Registration of KHiO lenders between 08.30-15.00. 

Others may use the collections when visiting the library and borrow books through the inter-library loan system.

Violation of the regulations may result in loss of borrowing rights.

Loan and renewal 

The normal lending period is 28 days. DVDs and course reserves must be returned within 7 days. You can renew books as long as another user does not require them. It is not possible to renew courses books. The library offers inter-library loan services only for persons who hold a AHO library card. 

It is not possible to borrow bound journals or books marked ref., lesesal or mag. Unbound journals (new issues) may be borrowed for 1 day to AHO patrons. 

The library does not provide through inter-library loan books marked course, guide, data, or DVD.

Patron’s responsibilities

You are responsible for all books registered on your card. We will charge for lost or damaged documents.

You are responsible for keeping track of your loans in Oria. If you fail to renew or return documents, you will lose your right to borrow books. If you fail to pay the charges on time, we will send it to legal collection (inkasso). 

It is mandatory for all patrons to check their emails regularly. AHO students should use the AHO-email address.

If you are on long-term absence from AHO, you should return all borrowed material. 

Lost items replacement fee

  • Minimum replacement cost: NOK 700,-.
  • Governmental publications and booklets:  NOK 350,-.
  • Higher fees may apply in order to cover the real replacement cost.
  • The replacement fee is waivered if you replace the lost item with a new copy.

Travel and expenses

Refund of expenses

Download form: refund of expenses

Travel agency

Travel agency Berg Hansen

Use customer name/number - STATEN/114624

Call 22 00 80 50 or send an email to bestilling@berg-hansen.no


Order workshop services

Service declaration for the workshops

Who is covered by the service declaration? 

The users of the workshops are AHO’s registered students and academic staff.

Machines and other technical equipment 

The workshops' various departments have machines and special tools for working with wood, plastic and metal. There is a limited selection of common hand tools for use in the individual workshops. The users must ensure that they have such tools themselves.

Resources and services

The workshops comprise several departments: Wood, plastic, metal, the student workshop (Lettverkstedet) and the construction hall. There are also special rooms for working with car clay, plaster and varnish.


The workshop attendants organise courses for new students. Students must participate in the courses to get access to the workshops. Others who need to use the workshop but who have not undergone basic training (foreign exchange students, teachers etc.) can contact the workshops and schedule an appointment for training.
If capacity allows, special courses can be organised in e.g. welding. Such courses must be specially agreed with the workshop attendants. In periods when the workshops are very busy, there will be limited opportunity for organising such training.


The workshop staff’s primary task is to help the students in their use of the workshops. This includes advising them on choice of material, processing, use of machines etc. In order to benefit as much as possible from their expertise, the students must be prepared. For example, they are expected to have a technical drawing/sketch with suggestions for materials and dimensions. In very busy periods, there will be limited opportunity for helping individual students.


Each student is responsible for tidying up after themselves immediately after concluding their work. If the workshops are not kept in satisfactory order, the power to the machines will be switched off and the area must be tidied before normal activity can be resumed.


The school sells certain materials, and has a varying selection of steel, aluminium, plastic, foam and wood. In principle, courses that require special materials must acquire these themselves, but the workshops can be contacted for assistance with purchasing. There can be a long delivery time for materials, so they should be ordered in good time before they are to be used.

Opening hours and staffing 

With the exception of the student workshop, the workshops will only be available during opening hours.

Monday–Friday 8.00–15.45 15 September to 14 May
Monday–Friday 8.00–15.00 15 May to 14 September*
* Closed between the spring and autumn term.

The student workshop is open around the clock.
The band saw and circular saw will be turned off by a time switch between 24.00 and 6.00.
Each of the three main departments are staffed by one person. The student workshop and special rooms are unstaffed.

Use of construction hall

The construction hall shall primarily be used for teaching/research-related activities. The head of the workshop department decides how to prioritise use of the construction hall. The hall is 285 square metres, and the height to the ceiling is 10.6 meters. The lighting is good. The construction hall has room for full-scale construction, big structures and model building.

Do you want to use the construction hall?

Rules for use

  • Opening hours are from 8.00 to 17.00.
  • Access by car through the outside gate, to be agreed with the workshop attendant.
  • Use of the crane must be agreed with the workshop attendant.
  • Security must be a priority at all times
  • The premises must be kept in good order, also while being used.
  • After use, waste must be removed, and the tools and equipment placed in their correct place.
  • Finished products and remaining materials must be removed.
  • After use, the workshop attendant will check the hall.
  • AHO’s general house rules also apply.

Use of photo studio

Information coming soon 

Use of the student workshop

The student workshop (Lettverkstedet) includes the workshop rooms, plaster room and varnish room
Open around the clock provided that the rules below are complied with, except for holidays. 


  • Only persons who have undergone basic training under the auspices of AHO and who hold a card for access can use the machines
  • At least two persons must be present when using machines. 
  • The band saw and circular saw are turned off between 24.00 and 8.00 (time switch).
  • The workshop attendants are responsible for day-to-day supervision of the student workshop. 

General orderliness

  • You are responsible for keeping the workshop in good order while you are working
  • You must tidy up immediately once you are finished
  • Use the sanding table for sanding and grinding
  • Residues of plaster and concert must be in plaster containers, do not pour into the sink
  • Machines, tables and equipment must be tidied, swept and dried off
  • The floor must be swept and vacuumed
  • Waste must be discarded in accordance with the waste management procedures
  • Objects on the shelves in the storeroom must be labelled with the date, name and phone number. 
  • The workshop must not be used as a warehouse. Models and materials that remain in the workshop for 14 days can be thrown away.
  • The storage boxes will be emptied before the summer holliday. 
  • The cabinets will be emptied after 20 June and any private belongings will be thrown away.

Waste management 

  • Residues and waste must be placed in bags or containers
  • Varnish containers / spray cans must be placed in barrels
  • Flammable waste must be placed in a special container
  • Chemicals must be delivered to the workshop attendant for destruction
  • Plaster, concrete, metal, wood and plastic must be placed in the appropriate containers

Extractor fan and fume hood

  • The dust chip extractor for the bond saw, circular saw and *sander starts automatically 
  • Start the extractor fan for the sanding table before use. 
  • The extraction is started with a switch to the right of the entrance door to the paint room (must be held down for 3 seconds).

Non-conformities, faults and injuries 


Use of workshops

Who can use the workshops?

Students and academic staff who have undergone mandatory training.

Which workshops do you have access to?

  • Wood workshop
  • Plastic workshop
  • Metal workshop
  • Student workshop (Lettverksted)
    • Workshop rooms
    • Varnish room
    • Plaster room
  • Construction hall when needed (an application is required)
The student workshop is open around the clock. The other workshops can be used during opening hours.

You can apply for extended access to the workshops (between. 15.45 and 22.00).

The interaction workshop

Here you will find i.a. foil cutter, scanner, sewing machines, electronics workshop, 2 photo studios.
It is also possible to borrow photo equipment and drones.

NB! To use the photo studios, you must book an appointment via moodle

For questions contact thomasisak@adm.aho.no

Where do you not have access?

  • The 3D printer workshop 

Only workshop attendants and student assistants can use these machines/services.

  • CNC milling machine/router
  • Laser
  • 3D printer
  • Oscillating knife cutting machine
  • Vinyl cutter
Students and staff can book services.

Mandatory courses and other training

  • The workshop organises courses for new students and academic staff.
  • The courses are held at the start of the semester.
  • Students must participate in the courses to get access to the workshops.
  • Others who need to use the workshops, but who lack training, can contact us.
  • Special courses relating to teaching and research can be organised as needed if there is capacity.


The workshop staff’s primary task is to help the students in their use of the workshops, choice of materials, processing and use of machines.
In order to benefit as much as possible from their expertise, the students must be prepared. 
For example, they are expected to have a technical drawing/sketch with suggestions for materials and dimensions.
In very busy periods, there will be limited opportunity for helping individual students.

House rules

  • You are responsible for keeping the workshop in good order while working there.
  • Tidy up after yourself immediately after finishing your work.
  • Handle waste correctly and responsibly.

If the workshops are not kept in satisfactory order, the power to the machines must be shut off and the area must be tidied before normal activity is resumed.



Use of workshops in courses

The workshops have limited space and resources. In order to provide the best possible services to all courses and student groups, it is important that all workshop activity is carefully planned. Activities that are not reported in accordance with this description risk not being implemented. 

Reserved weeks

At the beginning of each semester, the workshop will be closed during the day to provide training for new students. During these periods, it will instead be open in the evening, with somewhat limited capacity.

This applies to weeks 1-3 in the winter and weeks 31 to 39 in the summer. 

December and May are very busy periods due to student assignment work, so there is limited access to help and instruction from workshop attendants.

PLEASE NOTE! Demanding activities cannot be planned for these periods. 

Are you planning a course in a workshop?

Fill in this form and send it to the head of the workshop department by the deadline: 
  • Autumn semester: 1 July
  • Spring semester: 10 December

Once the semester plan for all workshops is ready, the head of department will provide feedback on whether the requested activity can be organised. 

What information should you provide?

  • Responsible institute and subject teacher(s)
  • Number of students
  • Tasks to be solved
  • Requested materials
  • Services required (CNC milling machine.)
  • Dates and expected duration (check reserved weeks, avoid December and May)

The workshop attendants can help to prepare tasks, choose materials and help with purchasing, and adapt the assignments to the amount of time the workshop users plan on using. 
For courses with many participants and demanding tasks, the course leader must anticipate the need for extra staff. The course/institute budget will cover this expense. 

Materials and services

  • We have some materials for sale and can help you to purchase materials. 
  • If the course/institute is to cover the costs of the materials, the course leader must order the materials through the workshop. 
  • Services such as the CNC milling machine, cutter, oscillating knife cutting machine and 3D printing must also be booked through the workshop. An order is created for each individual course. 

Implementation of activity

  • Before the project begins, the teachers and students must carry out a ‘safe job analysis’.
  • We expect the teacher to actively participate in the workshop and help the students during the whole project period. 

Health, safety and the environment

  • When planning and implementing projects, emphasis shall be placed on preventing undesirable incidents. 
  • The Working Environment Act must be complied with. 
  • Undesirable incidents shall be reported.