fbpx 40 367 An Architectural Proposal | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

40 367 An Architectural Proposal

Emnenavn på English: 
An Architectural Proposal
40 367
Syklus 2
2020 Vår
2020 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Neven Mikac Fuchs
Aleksandra Ognjanov

Passed 7 semesters.

Om emnet

Master studio Space and Technique is concerned with exploring ideas about architectural space and different techniques of making these ideas possible as beautiful and real experiences of everyday architecture.


The main goal of this studio is to produce architecture where form and space are based on the student’s understanding of architecture and life and his/her desire to implement it in the project. We call the representations of these processes which intentionally contain both physical, intellectual and emotional ‘manipulation’ of the world around us - the architectural proposal. The guest professor in the studio will be Swiss architect Pascal Flammer.


The design work in the studio during the semester will be focused on three parts:



The first phase is self-reflective and without any direct consideration of architectural form and space. The student will be asked to define what his/her fundamental interests and views are and then understand, rationalize and describe his/her motivations and fascinations. The process will be an analysis of ideas, experiences, knowledge, etc., revealing the aspects of personal significance in the questions which are universally relevant. But in addition, certain themes, that we, teachers are interested to explore at the moment, will be introduced. The given themes will be: FRAGMENTED ENTITIES, MIXING OF SEEMINGLY UNFITTING THINGS and the renewed notion of COLLAGE, COLORS, may be MIRRORS and some others.  The more explicit and inclusive the distilled “analysis” in this phase, the more effective it will serve as a guiding principle for the second phase: the manifestation of form.


2/Manifestation of Form

The abstract and formless self-reflection is transformed into a mental, a physical and emotional manifestation of the most holistic and feasible form and space possible.

Site, size, typology, function (chosen by students), construction, material and space will be thematically developed according to the guidelines of self-reflection. The goal is maximizing the intensity of proposed architecture, through the virtuosity, clarity and elegance of student’s intention. The full exploration and development of architectural elements, but also architectonic tools will be employed. In that work, we will focus on two notions: on creating an architecture of contradiction and interactiveness.




The transformation from self-reflection to form and space exists only in the author’s mind and remains as yet undefined in many aspects. Through the representation process, the students will design elements of mental form physically concrete, hierarchically ordered, proportioned, well-structured, etc, in order to clarify and communicate their thoughts and intentions to the others. The aim is to single out the ideal, most effective representational instrument, related to the becoming project. By means of a “language” of the project, the process will find its final form and space, and that’s what we will call “an architectural proposal”.


These three steps are of course non-linear, they are largely iterative and fragmentary. Nevertheless, your architectural proposal should be highly consistent. A good proposal should loosen from the hermetic of the authorship and the creative process by which it emerged., and therefore become universal.  


Teaching assistants: Aleksandra Ognjanov, Chris Engh


Formulating the independent and prejudice-less thinking about architecture and working with its constituent elements, like the site, size, function, typology, building materials, etc.


Stimulating the individual awareness of today’s positions in architecture


Stimulating the awareness of one's own architectural position and one's own attitude toward the work with architecture


benefit from the work with a foreign guest-teacher and from the confrontation with his architectural thinking, knowledge, experience and imagination.


After finishing the course, the student should:

- be able to develop and consciously use his/her own “way of working“

- be able to argue for an individual and specific statement about his/her design aims. This statement is important as a starting point, but also as a benchmark of every architectural project.

- be able to develop principles for the structuring of both basic and complex architectural material and technical skills and develop them into a final project

- be able to develop and structure the architectural knowledge on the base of specific project themes chosen to work with during the studio and latter

- be able to learn how to creatively use architectural research in the work with architecture.

- be able to present and communicate his/her architectural ideas and his/her final project through the appropriate forms of representation, with text, drawings, models, diagrams, photos, 3Ds, etc.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The main aims of teaching in the studio will be:

- to create motivation for the self-reflective analytical thinking and the causal architectural expression

- to stimulate, cultivate and articulate personal discussions with teachers, as well as open public discussions within the studio, on the development of the projects


The teaching will consist of the work in the studio, the individual discussions and desk crits, case studies, public discussions, seminaries, films and lectures structured in-between 3 public reviews.


The work will be conducted in 3 steps with two interim reviews plus the final review. Then, the students have to present the state of their work in a consistent and convincing way. The duration of each step will be approximately 1 month, ending with a public presentation and discussion/critique of the individual work.


The goal of the study trip is not yet definitely decided (Mexico, Muharraq/Bahrein or Switzerland)



Workload will consist of:

- texts, drawings and models, digital and hand-produced in a different scale, photographs and 3D illustrations

- the prepared public discussions and reviews of the individual work



a) A main focus during the semester is laid on the design process and critical debate about the traced ideas. This discussion will be held in weekly table critics. The performance of discussions accounts for approximately 25% of the semester mark.

b) During the semester there are two interim reviews plus the final review. Then, the students have to present the state of their work in a consistent and convincing way. The performance on reviews accounts for approximately another 25% of the semester mark.

c) The finally provided design project accounts for the remaining 50% of the semester mark. Besides the architectural qualities of the project, the qualities of the visual representations will be assessed.

The delivered complete project material for the AHO Works exhibition and for the final review 04.06.2016. The studio work is evaluated with Passed or Not Passed, cf. Regulation for Master's Studies at AHO, pt. 6-14.


Will be given later.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning Påkrevd
Veiledningssamtaler Påkrevd
Ekskursjoner Ikke påkrevd
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Veiledningssamtaler
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Ekskursjoner
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Individuell oppgaveløsning
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Aktivitet:Individuell oppgaveløsning