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PhD program - program board

The program board reports to the Vice-Rector for Education. The Vice-Rector for Education and the Vice-Rector for Research have the right to attend and speak in the program board. The program board is established and closed down by the Rector following input from the Vice-Rector for Education.

The program board is chaired by the Head of the PhD program. The program board shall report annually on the quality assurance work and on admission to the Studieutvalget (SU). All program boards across AHO meet in an annual seminar led by the Vice-Rector for Education.

The specific responsibilities of the program board are as follows:

Academic responsibility:
  • Responsibility for approving the program description of the PhD program
  • Ensure that the PhD program has an academic context, that it meets the pedagogical goals set by AHO and in national regulations for training in the third cycle, and that it meets the requirements for the various research areas at AHO.
  • Work strategically on the development of AHO's research education and ensure that quality assurance systems are in place for the PhD program
  • Monitor the organization and the pedagogical development of the program, and suggest changes if necessary

Quality assurance
  • Work strategically with the development of AHO's research education and ensure that quality assurance systems are in place for the PhD program
  • Ensure that the program follows regulations, guidelines and other decisions for AHO's education. This includes ensuring that the program follows AHO's quality assurance plan.

Research culture
  • Collaborate with the institutes, research centers, project managers and supervisors at AHO in the development of the program and to support AHO's research culture.
  • Ensure that there are structures that support the academic and social learning environment in the PhD program.
  • Contribute to the annual joint research days led by the Vice-Rector for Research.

Appointment and approval
  • Appoint the main supervisor and co-supervisor(s) for the PhD candidates in consultation with the candidate, potential supervisor and Head of the Institute in which the candidate affiliates.
  • Appoint experts for the mid-term evaluation or Reader report upon application from the main supervisor
  • Appoint an adjudication committee upon application from the main supervisor
  • Approve external courses upon application from PhD candidates

Program management - Organization and period
The program board consists of
  • Head of the PhD program
  • 3 academic staff (one representative from each institute at AHO)
  • 2 PhD candidates (preferably one from the first year and at the end of the PhD course)
  • Secretary (from the research administration, preferably PhD coordinator)

Members of the program board must cover the breadth of research at AHO.
The academic representatives are appointed by the Rector on the recommendation of the Vice-Rector for Education in collaboration with the Vice-Rector for Research. The Head of Institutes must be included in the dialogue and ensure that the election takes place through an open and broad process.

The program board’s representatives are elected for 4 years at a time and can sit for a maximum of two terms. The PhD representatives are elected by and among the PhD candidates. The program board itself elects a representative who represents the program board in the Studieutvalget (SU).

The committee's term of office is in accordance with the principal (4 years), but with start-up within six months after a new Rector enters into force. The PhD representatives are elected for one year at a time.


2023 Autumn

Minutes of meeting 23.08.2023
Minutes of meeting 11.10.2023

2024 Spring

Minutes of meeting 10.01.2024
Minutes of meeting 21.03.2024
Minutes of meeting 21.05.2024