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Fire instructions

  1. Report a fire by activating a nearby fire alarm. This also alerts the Fire department.
  2. Report the fire to AHO’s  22 99 70 00
  3. Evacuate all persons threatened by smoke and fire. NB: Do not use the elevators during a fire! 
  4. Try to put out the fire. Close all windows and doors.
  5. Summit outside the main entrance door at alert the Fire brigade upon their arrival

Extended fire instructions

This instruction is together with the floor plan of AHO handed out to all new students and employees. This expanded instruction complements the instruction above, which is posted in all rooms at AHO.

Fire alarms, emergency exits etc.

  1. Orient yourself on where to find the nearest fire alarm, fire extinguisher and emergency exits. This applies regardless of your position within AHO’s localities.
  2. Emergency exits must not be obstructed
  3. Fire doors held open by magnetic hinges must not be obstructed. Other fire doors must not be forced to stay open. Closing mechanisms (door hinges etc.) must not be detached.'

Smoking and use of open fire

  1. Smoking is PROHIBITED inside AHO.
  2. The use of candles or other sources of open fire is not allowed.

Storing and use of flammable liquids etc.

  1. Storing flammable liquids is prohibited unless it is locked into affirmed fire-proof lockers.
  2. Flammable liquids such as paint, lacquer etc. must only be used in the lacquer room next to the students’ workshop on the ground floor.
  3. In the studios, flammable glue can only be used within office hours. The cleaning personnel are instructed to collect and destroy flammable items (spray cans etc.)

Electronic equipment

  1. Any source of electricity is a potential source of fire. When leaving a room, please make sure that your computer is switched off, the light is put out and no heating devices are covered.
  2. The use of water boilers, coffeemakers, hotplates etc. is allowed only when held under observation. The last person to leave a room must always ensure these devices have been switched off.

Fire alarm

  1. Whenever a fire alarm goes off, always assume that there is a real fire. Leave the building immediately. You will be given more information of what to do outside the building.
  2. The fire alarm automatically alerts the Fire department. They will immediately start their emergency call-out. If you within office hours should set of the fire alarm by accident, please contact AHO’s reception immediately. Outside of office hours the fire department will be alerted regardless.
  3. In case of a fire, all is compelled to help evacuate injured persons on request of the floor fire manager, given that the situation allows this

Violations to the fire instructions

Violations to the fire instructions may lead to a claim for damages or expulsion from AHO’s premises.

Fire protection organization

AHO has a fire protection organisation with a fire protection manager, floor managers and their substitutes