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Digital trial lecture

The main rule is that the trail lecture happens on the day of the defense, before the defense, unless otherwise agreed with the research administration. This applies even if the defense is digital. If this is agreed upon, the guidelines below applies. 

A digital trial lecture can either be held as a video conference over Zoom, with opponents, the chair of the defence and a technician as part of the conference, or by using Zoom to record the lecture by yourself, and distributing the recording to the opponents for evaluation.

We recommend that you use Zoom for your digital trial lecture. It may be useful to practice using Zoom for presentations before you conduct the lecture itself, regardless of whether you make a recording of your lecture or conduct it as a video conference. 

Recording your lecture using Zoom
The trial lecture recording should be ready no later than two days before the defence. 

In order to show slides from a presentation while presenting, you can share content (i.e. your screen). Check that your microphone works properly before you start recording, to ensure good audio quality.

If you need to use a blackboard during the lecture, we recommend using a tablet/iPad with a pen as a digital board, and sharing this screen whenever needed. 

When you have completed the presentation and stopped recording, please ensure that the recording was successful and that the audio is good enough, before you send the recording of your trial lecture to the AHO research Administration, so that they can publish it on the defence announcement, and distribute it to the committee for evaluation. To send the recording we recommend using FileSender. 

If the recording was unsuccessful, you can try again. If you have any questions or problems with Zoom, ikt-support@aho.no

Video conference in Zoom
If you wish to give your trial lecture as a video conference in Zoom with opponents present, you must agree on a time and date with the chair of the defence, the opponents and a technician from local IT (to manage the Zoom session).