fbpx For the general audience | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


For the general audience

Information for anyone who wishes to attend a digital defence. 

As a member of the audience at a defence we ask that you follow certain guidelines:
  • Familiarise yourself with Zoom prior to the defence, as this is the tool that will be used throughout the defence. 
  • You will be able to download a digital copy of the thesis from the defence announcement website.
  • The host of the defence will mute your microphone on entry. You should not be able to unmute it yourself, but we ask that you refrain from trying to unmute yourself in any case, as it may cause unnecessary disturbance and delay. 
  • If you do not wish for other participants to see you, please turn off your video feed in Zoom. 
  • The defence is not recorded and the host will prevent anyone who try to record in Zoom, but be advised that we cannot prevent other participants from taking screenshots during the defence. If this is unacceptable to you, we recommend not turning on your camera. 
  • If you wish to ask a question ex auditorio, please do so only when invited to do so by the chair of the defence. This only happens after both opponents have finished asking their questions. Signal that you wish to ask a question by clicking on "Participants", and select "Raise hand" in the meny that shows up on the right hand side. You can decide if you wish to ask the question orally or in writing using the chat function in Zoom.