Author’s addresses have an important function in relation to crediting the research institutions to which the authors are affiliated. It is very important that AHO’s researchers credit their affiliation to AHO in their publications in order for the publication to confer publication points in connection with DBH (Database for Statistics on Higher Education) reporting. If a publication has several co-authors, the publication points are divided between the authors. The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR) recommends that, as a rule, the address of the institution must be given in a publication if it has made an essential and substantial contribution to, or provided a basis for an author’s contribution to, the published work.
When an AHO employee is the author or co-author of a publication, the address ‘The Oslo School of Architecture and Design’ or ‘Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo’ should be used, provided that the publication is a product of work performed in his or her position at AHO. In addition, the name of the institute or research unit should appear.
The rule may also include works and design products (results of artistic research), provided that they are the results of work performed in the position at AHO.
AHO employees employed in secondary positions at other institutions should normally credit both AHO and the other institution for work carried out as part of the secondary position, and AHO alone for work carried out as part of their primary position. The same applies to persons employed in secondary positions at AHO.
Please note that if several institutions are credited as an author's address, the publication points shall be distributed equally among the institutions. This concerns both researchers in secondary positions at AHO and AHO employees who have secondary positions elsewhere.
The author's address of externally paid researchers should be clarified when a contract is entered into with the individual researcher. Responsible party: the project manager
PhD candidates at AHO shall comply with the main rule and state AHO as their author’s address. Unless otherwise agreed, externally financed PhD candidates shall give both AHO’s and the primary employer’s address as their author's address, provided that both parties have actually made an essential and substantial contribution (cf. UHR's Recommended guidelines for crediting academic publications to institutions).