fbpx AHO AWARDS winners, June 2016! | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


AHO AWARDS winners, June 2016!

Congratulations to the AHO AWARDS SPING 2016 winners!

Foto: Eva Stensland

AHO AWARDS winners, June 2016!

Here's the list of all the prizes, the sponsors, the nomenees and the winners of AHO AWARDS on June 9th. 2016.
Pris for innovasjon | Prize for innovation, Norsk design og arkitektursenter 
Nominerte | Nominees
Hans-Martin B Erlandsen & Petrit H Gerxhaliu – vr as a design tool
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold – longer than nine months: an approach to the intercountry adoption process in norway through service and interaction design
Heidi Hoen & Marte Frøyse Vidvei – the value of news
Ola Brandnes – ashes to ashes
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy: citizen participation in local decision making
Finalister |Finalists
Hans-Martin B Erlandsen & Petrit H Gerxhaliu – vr as a design tool
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy: citizen participation in local decision making
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen digital democracy: citizen participation in local decision making


Pax price for excellence in architectural writing, Pax
Nominerte | Nominees

Ole Thomas Steinde
Alberto Sancho Montagut
Alberto Ballesteros
Lucinda Jane Bagget
Jonatan Angell-Ramberg
Åsmund Amandus Steinsholm
Lucinda Jane Bagget: the montage of objects and their directional planes in the medieval exhibitions of Sverre Fehn


Pris for tjenestedesign | Prize for service design, Making waves
Nominerte | Nominees

Ingrid Johanna Fløgstad – genome screening
Juan Alberto Soriano Valtierra – cerebrum
Trygve Shadi Restan & August Volden Skara – hurtigruten experiences
Frida V D Drift Breivik & Frøya Thue – i havn med hurtigruten
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold – longer than nine months
Kamilla Nave Maaseide & Caroline Myre Strømme – arveprosessen
Ann Viola Ulvin – kapitler av en bunad
Nils Erik Gustav Hansen & Inger Steines – better together
Finalister | Finalists
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold - longer than nine months
Kamilla Nave Maaseide & Caroline Myre Strømme – arveprosessen
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold - longer than nine months


Fremragende bruk av mur eller betong | Excellence in the use of concrete or brickwork

Nominerte | Nominees
Matteo Lomaglio - 24h Oslo-Versatile architectures and new demographics
Pedro Sjøblom Tavares – spa
All students – body & space morphologies catharsis: acting the collective
Sigurd Aune Hellem – tectonic exercises
Alexander Minge Salim og Siri Wælgaard
gk4: small public building
Hanna Birkeland Berg – gk6 city and architecture
Juris Strangots – buildings and their territories 
Pedro Sjøblom Tavares – spa


Pris for interaksjonsdesign | Prize for interaction design, Bekk
Nominerte | Nominees
Håkon Jor L’Orange & Miriam Strandquist – kodeknekkerne
Julia Grundström & Ragnhild Nordgård – digital aftermath
Andreea Tecusan & Jacob Bråthen Pettersen
visualizing citybike rides
Hans-Martin B Erlandsen & Petrit H Gerxhaliu - vr as a design tool
Ole-Birger Neergård, Sara Anny Hansson Kalsnes & Julie Årving
social recruiting
Ida Elise Nystad Marrable & Cecilie Liset – information flow
Heidi Hoen & Marte Frøyse Vidvei – the value of news
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy
Finalister | Finalists
Julia Grundström & Ragnhild Nordgård – digital aftermath
Ida Elise Nystad Marrable & Cecilie Liset – information flow
Heidi Hoen & Marte Frøyse Vidvei – the value of news
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy
Heidi Hoen & Marte Frøyse Vidvei: the value of news


Fremragende bruk av tre | Excellence in the use of timber, Trefokus
Nominerte | Nominees

Anna Willemark og Synnøve Solberg – forest – tree – building
All students – body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective
All students – småbruk : a design for a pocket farm
Anders Haagaas Grinde – tectonic exercises
Hanna Hovland Johanson og Sindre Nordli Skjeggestad
gk4 – small public building
Eline Egeland – diploma master of architecture
Magnus Rasch – diploma master of architecture
Hanna Hovland Johanson & Sindre Nordli Skjeggestad: small public building


Pris for kompleksitet og helhetstenkning  | Prize for complexity and holistic approach

Nominerte | Nominees

Oda Sortland – everyday life after the stroke
Rasmus Agerup – the digital assistant lawyer
Aleksandra Zamarajeva Fischer & Amalie Albert – sykkelkompis
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold
longer than nine months
Ida Elise Nystad Marrable & Cecilie Liset – information flow
Heidi Hoen & Marte Frøyse Vidvei – the value of news
Oda Midtlyng Klempe – unfashionable fashion
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy
Finalister | Finalists
Rasmus Agerup – the digital assistant lawyer
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold
longer than nine months
Alfred Benjamin Clatworthy Holmen - digital democracy
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold: longer than nine months


Profesjonalitetsprisen |  Excellence in professionalism, arkitektbedriftene
Nominerte | Nominees

Matteo Lomaglio – 24h Oslo-Versatile architectures and new demographics
All students – body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective
All students – småbruk : a design for a pocket farm
Anna Maria Elisabeth Forslöw og Nikolai Lieblein Røsæg
gk4 – small public building
Mohammed Zeeshan Elaih Aziz – gk6 city and architecture
Ina Westerlund – in transit
Wenkai Xu – recycling space: after belonging
Ingvild Skramstad Lunn – spa
Hanne Jülke Røer – re-store: systems
Ingrid Engøy Henriksen – diploma master of architecture
Eline Egeland – diploma master of architecture
Anders Sølvberg – buildings and their territories
Wenkai Xu recycling space: after belonging


Pris for form og uttrykk i design | Prize for form and expression in design
Nominerte | Nominees

Sofie Thomassen & Ulrikke Nordseth - ettertanker
Malin Engvall & Line Marie Moen Syversen – the new arctic collection
Lasse Thomasgård - stokke move
Jonas Aalberg – moda: public sound systems
Johannes Hegdal - explore and increase: bamboo and bikes in ghana
Bili Xia – bring old chinese myths back
Ribekka Beitveit & Eirik Haugen Murvold
longer than nine months
Finalister | Finalists
Malin Engvall & Line Marie Moen Syversen
the new arctic collection
Bili Xia – bring old chinese myths back
Bili Xia: bring old chinese myths back


Pris for byutvikling og planlegging | Prize for urban design and planning
Plan- og bygningsetaten, Oslo Kommune

Nominerte | Nominees

Karen Maria Eiken Engelgård – 24h Oslo-Versatile architectures and new demographics
Elin Schnipper og Gine Backer Røed – forest – tree – building
All students – a motorway named rio
Tobias Wihl – gk6 city and architecture
David Kelly – in transit : safe spaces in crisis context
Zheng Zho – spa
Markus Dombaas Lindahl – master of architecture
Aurora Andersen Hilde – buildings and their territories
Hans Eriksson – master of landscape architecture
Cecilia Sundt – buildings and their territories
Åshild Mienna – diploma master of landscape architecture
Kari Tønseth – diploma master of landscape architecture
A motorway named rio, the whole course


Pris for industridesign | Prize for industrial design. K8 industridesign
Nominerte | Nominees

Benjamin Ngoma Rodahl – biomile
Leo Bendvold – profpac wildfire
Frida Støvern, Truc Trung Duong & Vilde Rebekka  Aasen – henry - everything will fall apart
Johannes Hegdal - explore and increase: bamboo and bikes in ghana
Jonas Aalberg – moda: public sound systems
Finalister | Finalists
Leo Bendvold – profpac wildfire
Johannes Hegdal
explore and increase: bamboo and bikes in ghana
Jonas Aalberg – moda: public sound systems
Johannes Hegdal explore and increase: bamboo and bikes in Ghana


Fremragende bruk av datagrafikk  | Excellence in computer graphics, Graphisoft
Nominerte | Nominees

Matteo Lomaglio – 24h Oslo-Versatile architectures and new demographics
All students – body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective
Håkon Mathias Dedic – gk6 city and architecture
Christina Pitsillidou – recycling space: after belonging
Fu Tung Sze – spa
Hanne Jülke Røer – re-store: systems
Magnus Rasch – diploma master of architecture
Jonas Halvorsen – buildings and their territories
Matteo Lomaglio: 24h Oslo-Versatile architectures and new demographics


Pris for bærekraftig design  | Prize for sustainable design
Nominerte | Nominees

Maria Berg-Leirvåg & Thea Jegerud - bioplasticlab
Kan Chen – domestic food center - dfc
Benjamin Ngoma Rodahl – biomile
Aleksandra Zamarajeva Fischer & Amalie Albert – sykkelkompis: free bike lessons in traffic!
Johannes Hegdal - explore and increase bamboo and bikes in ghana
Oda Midtlyng Klempe – unfashionable fashion: exploring a new value proposal, a potential for systemic change
Ola Brandnes – ashes to ashes
Finalister | Finalists
Kan Chen – domestic food center - dfc
Johannes Hegdal
explore and increase: bamboo and bikes in ghana
Ola Brandnes – ashes to ashes
Kan Chen: domestic food center - dfc


Fremragende bruk av stål | Excellence in use of steel
Nominerte | Nominees

Alexander Tunby Rosseland – gk6 city and architecture
All students – body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective
Harri Kaplan - body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective
Harri Kaplan - body & space morphologies - catharsis: acting the collective


Honorabel mention, Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus
GK 2 design – inkluderende designprosesser 


Nominasjon til Europan Norges studentpris | Europan Norway´s student prize
Nominerte | Nominees

Stine Kornmo Jansen - diploma master of landscape architecture
Kari Tønseth- diploma master of landscape architecture
Brona Keenan & Miles Hamaker - diploma master of landscape architecture
Kari Tønseth - diploma master of landscape architecture
Brona Keenan & Miles Hamaker - diploma master of landscape architecture
Pictures from the ceremony and the party here
The diploma projects here​