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Progress reporting

All students admitted to the PhD programme at AHO must fill in an ISP (Individual Study Plan) each semester. An exception applies to candidates whose public defence has been confirmed or who are on long-term sick leaves/leaves of absence. The Research Administration and head of the PhD programme will send out a reminder prior to each scheduled report. The report must be submitted by 30 September in the autumn semester and 30 March in the spring semester.
The ISP is divided into three parts. Parts 1 and 2 are public and used to keep the school updated on the project’s content, activity plan and publications, as well as completed courses. Part 3 is confidential and will not be made public. This part will be filled in by the supervisor in cooperation with the candidate.
The updated ISP shall be submitted to the Research Administration by the deadline each semester. It will be possible to ask for a special progress seminar if the candidate and/or supervisor finds it necessary. In such case, the school must be informed about who should be present at the seminar and what topics the candidate/supervisor wishes to discuss.

The Research Committee will be informed about the progress reporting at least once a year and must initiate measures if there are major discrepancies.