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Student life

Access card

Your first access card

To be issued your access card, you must fill out the form for new students and complete the fire safety test.

Fill out this form for your student card.

Replace lost, broken or worn out access card

You can order a new card from the reception. If you have lost your card it costs NOK 150 to replace it. If your card is worn out, you can hand it in to receive a new one free of charge.


You can change your PIN by contacting maintenance via the Digital Service Desk.

Additional access levels

All students have the same access level through AHO’s card system. If you need special access to a room for a shorter or longer period of time, you can fill out the form for additional access level. The form must be signed by your superior or responsible teacher who can confirm your need for additional access.

Activate your card for copy and print

New cards will normally be activated for copy and print before they are handed out. If your card is not activated, you can contact the IT through the Digital Service Desk.

Transfer money to your print account

You can transfer money to your print account here. If you order a new card, you can transfer the money from your old card if you still have it. Contact the IT through the Digital Service Desk. If your old card is lost, the money is unfortunately also lost.

Admission to study

Admission to study is granted to those who have been accepted to a study programme. 

You can lose the admission to study if you:

  • have exceeded the stipulated limit for standardised and extended time. 
  • have not produced credits in the last three semesters in the programme of study to which you have been admitted. Please note that if special needs are documented, you may apply to the faculty for an individual education plan that goes beyond this.
  • have used all your examination attempts in a course that is mandatory according to the programme description.
  • have completed the same mandatory practical training twice, without a passing grade.
  • have not submitted the original documents that has provided the basis for admission to programme when prompted. Rector decides in matters of termination of admission under this provision.

If you are at risk of losing your right to study, you will be given a written notice, within the start of the semester. In the event of a decision to revoke your admission to study you will receive a written notification of the decision. The notification will state the reasons for the decision, and the possibility of appealing the decision. 

Apply for leave abscence

When can students apply for a leave of absence?

All programme students may apply for a leave of absence. You can apply for either general leave, without attaching documentation, or leave on the basis of documented needs. 

A leave of absence can usually be granted for the following reasons:

  • pregnancy or childcare 
  • military service 
  • illness
  • other compelling reasons of a professional, social or personal nature

Application deadlines

  • Application deadline Autumn term: May 1st (the semester before) 
  • Application deadline Spring term: November 1st (the semester before)  

How to apply

Fill in this form "leave of absence" and upload documentation if required (login with username and password). Do not send medical certificates by email, as they contain sensitive information. 

The study administration will process your application and notify you by email. 

What if my application is rejected?

You have the opportunity to appeal if your application is rejected. If you have additional or updated information, you can submit this. 

If your appeal is rejected, the application will be forwarded and reviewed by the Appeals Board. Decisions made by the Appeals Board cannot be appealed further.

Read the following before applying for leave of abscence: 

  • In your abscence, there may be changes in subjects and study plans (for example, changes in the syllabus, work requirements and examination methods)
  • When on leave, you are responsible for keeping yourself informed about changes in deadlines and rules for program and course plans, and make any subject choices
  • If you do not want to return to AHO, you must send a termination notice to your study advisor

Course registration for master students

Students at these levels: 

  • Architecture year 4.- 5.
  • Design year 4.- 5.
  • Master of design year 1. - 2. (2-year degree)
  • 3rd semester of landscape architecture (2-year degree)

must register for four courses with priority 1,2,3, 4. This applies to studio courses (24 ECTS) and elective courses (6 ECTS). 

Please check that your study plan in Studentweb lists all your results (ECTS) from both AHO and exchange institutions. Note that is is your duty as a student to make sure your education plan is complete/correct. Incomplete plan? Contact your study advisor at The student administration for help. 

Log in to Studentweb to see what courses you have been allocated.

Course registration - Autumn 2024

Course prioritisation for autumn 2024 opened in Studentweb on May 2nd, and the deadline for registering your priorities is May 12th. Here you will find information about important dates, how to apply and specific information for your study programme. 

Watch the presentation of the courses

Important dates  

  • May 2nd: Studentweb opens for registration of courses.
  • May 12th: Deadline for registering your priorities.
  • June 2nd: Results of the course allocation become available on Studentweb.

Please note:

  • The prioritisation in Studentweb closes after May 12th. If you do not prioritise before this, you will be allocated to courses with vacancies after the main admission. 
  • Admission to courses is given according to ECTS completed. Incoming exchange students have the same seniority as first-year master students. Therefore, all students must check Studentweb to see that every result from AHO or exchange is registered. If results are not registered (e.g. exchange), please get in touch with Academic Services to approve your courses. Note that this is not relevant for incoming exchange students. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure your education plan with external results is correct.  
  • No seats are assigned before the deadline. 
  • Course seats are only awarded through the application in Studentweb, not through the department or the teacher. The allocation is final and there will be no waiting lists. 
  • Some courses have certain prerequisites, and requirements concerning electives. This is stated in the course descriptions.  

How to register in Studentweb

  • You register through Studentweb under the header «Studies».  
  • To select studio and elective courses, follow the link on the front page of Studentweb. You will be directed to the page where you prioritise courses. You prioritise courses for autumn 2024 under the banner "Spring 2023". Be aware of this!  
  • If there are remaining priorities from earlier semesters in studentweb, these must be deleted before you can fill in new ones. 
  • To select pre-diploma, diploma or mandatory courses, click “Studies” and then “Education plan” and choose the courses for the autumn 2024 semester.

Specific information for the study programmes 

Master in landscape architecture

Students on the master's in landscape architecture in their second semester will have their mandatory studio course added automatically, and should only choose between two elective courses. Students “out of sync” with the study plan, should contact their study adviser. 

Master in architecture

The master’s students have to prioritise courses from one to four. This goes for the registration for studio courses (24 credits) and for the elective courses (6 credits). 

Master in design

Students in the master's program in design prioritise studio and elective courses as described above. Students in the 2-year programme will only be admitted to studio courses they are qualified for when admitted to the programme. 

Pre-Diploma and diploma 

The pre-diploma course (6 credits) is a mandatory specialised course running in the semester before the diploma/master thesis semester.  
If you are taking your diploma in the spring semester, you must add this to your study plan in Studentweb.  


Do you have any questions regarding the course prioritisation or are you experiencing any problems registering? Contact infosenter@aho.no, or visit the Info Center. 

An overview of all courses with descriptions can be found here:

Digital Student Identification App

Your student ID is the app "Studentbevis+" which you can download on your smartphone.

The student ID App is accepted by Ruter, Vy and SiO, among others.

You must have completed the semester registration in Studentweb and paid the semester fee for the student ID to be valid.

Download the app here:

Read more about how to log in and frequently asked questions here.

Frequently asked questions about the digital student identification app

How do I log in to the app?

You log on with the same username (sxxxxxx) and password you use on other AHO systems (mail, computer etc.).

When can I start using the app?

You can start using the app as soon as you have completed the semester registration in Studentweb and paid the semester fee. Please note that it can take up to 5 working days before your payment is registered in our system.

Do I still need an AHO student card (admission card)?

Yes. You need your student ID card to borrow books from the library, to print, to access the workshops and to get into the AHO buildings where you have your classes. All students must keep their student ID cards on them whenever they are on campus.

How do I use the app to prove that I have the right to buy a student ticket on NSB or Vy? 

When you meet a ticket inspector, you need to show your transport ticket (NSB or Ruter) together with your Digital Student Identification App and valid picture ID. The app proves that you are an active student at AHO.

Why doesn’t my picture show on the app?

AHO has different systems for the registration of students and access to the school, and a consequence of this is that your picture will not be visible in the app. We are working on making the two different systems compatible. 

Is the Digital Student Identification App valid when it doesn’t show my picture?

Yes, it is valid, but you will have to show an additional picture ID. The app proves that you are an active student at AHO.

I am getting an error message. What does that mean?

Please contact infosenter@aho.no if you get an error message.

How can I order a semester card in paper format?

Please contact infosenter@aho.no if you want to order a semester card in paper format. You can pick up your card at the Info Centre for Academic Services. 

What kind of information does the app gain access to?

The app gains access to the following information: name, date of birth, student ID number, educational institution, and student status (whether you have completed the semester registration and paid the semester fee or not).

Where is this information stored?

The information is stored in the app, on your device.

How long is this student ID valid for?

The semester registration and payment are valid until January 31st for the autumn semester and until August 31st for the spring semester.

I need help with the app. Who do I contact?

Please contact infosenter@aho.no for inquiries regarding the app. 

What is Feide?

Feide is the electronic identification system chosen by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research to provide secure access to the education systems AHO uses Feide. This implies that you can use the same username (sxxxxxx) and password to get access to a range of services, including this app.

What is FS?

FS is an administration system used by AHO, as a database for student information and records. The Digital Student Identification App uses this system to access necessary information about you.

Terms and conditions for the use of the Digital Student ID App

The application will show information such as name, educational institution, and whether or not you have registered and paid the semester fee.

The app is a student ID at student welfare organizations in Bergen and Oslo. Other operators may decline to accept the app as a student ID. If the app does not include your picture, you are required to show an additional picture ID.

When you start using the app for the first time, internet access is required to download the necessary information. The information will be stored on your device, so the app can be used offline. In the event of your device running out of battery or malfunctioning, you will be required to use your semester card and valid ID to document your student status.

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design is not responsible for fines or misuse of the application etc.

Ethical Guidelines for Academic Supervision


Students travelling for excursions have to fill out the declaration form and have a valid travel insurance.

Please contact the course responsible for questions regarding the excursion.

Students who are not able to participate on a mandatory excursion, can apply for a valid absence here.

Students with a valid absence are entitled to get an alternative arrangement. 

If a student need individual adaptations of the excursion, contact a study advisor.


Leganto for students

You will find your course reading lists in Moodle. Leganto is connected to Oria and you will find all physical and electronic documents we have access to here.

How do I find the reading lists for my course?

Under "Course reading list in Moodle. Note: not all courses have reading lists. 

You can also search for reading lists in Leganto here using the course code or name. You will find all reading lists added to Leganto. Limit your search to this semester by chaning the  "Course Status" to "Active". 

How do I get access to the literature?

You can find out if the library has the book or article electronic or in print. 

Under "Links & accessibility" you will find information about where the document is located and if it is available. 

Use the "localise" link to find physical books in the library collections.


Recognition of previous courses

Recognition of previous courses 

If you have passed courses at other institutions equivalent to courses at AHO, you can apply for credit transfer.

Required documenttion:

  • Transcript of records
  • Course description
  • Curriculum / Reading list
  • Course overview
  • For courses over 10 ECTS: Previously assessed works
    • Upload a PDF document of maximum 10-15 pages, containing illustrations, drawings, sketches, model photos, and descriptions.
    • If you are applying for recognition of multiple courses over 10 credits, compile the assessment works into one PDF file.

Application deadlines

  • August 10th for 1st-year students
    • If you have been admitted from the waiting list, the deadline is 14 days after the offer of admission.
  • Other applications are processed continuously.

Application form

Apply for recognition for previous courses using this form.


​Regulations for credit transfer
  • Recognition of courses at the master’s level requires that you have passed all courses in your undergraduate education plan.
  • For students in the 5,5-year Master’s degree in Architecture, a minimum of 90 credits must be completed at AHO.
  • For students in the 2-year Master's degree in Design or Landscape Architecture, a minimum of 60 credits must be completed at AHO.
  • For students in the 5-year Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture, a minimum of 60 credits must be completed at AHO and a minimum of 60 credits at UiT.
    • Applications for credit transfer of undergraduate courses (1-3 years) are handled by AHO. Credit transfer of master’s level courses (4th and 5th year) is handled by UiT.
  • For applications for recognition to the 4th year of the 5,5-year Master’s degree in Architecture, special rules applies. Please find more information here.
After you have sent in your application

The application is processed by the Study Administration. The result of the application will be sent to you approximately 3 weeks after the application deadline. If an academic assessment of your application is required, the processing may take longer.

Since the assessment of exemption applications can take some time, you must register for teaching and exams for your within deadlines. The registration can be withdrawn when you receive a response to the application.


General questions may be directed to infosenter@aho.no

Questions about application for recognition at the master’s level in the 5-year degree in Master of Landscape Architecture (AHO/UiT) should be directed to kunstakademiet@umak.uit.no.



If you have been on Exchange studies to one of AHO's partner institutions, you need to apply for final approval and recognition after your return.

Required documentation:

  • Transcript of records
  • Learning Agreement

Apply for final approval and reconition for Exchange studies here.

Semester registration & Studentweb

Each semester all students must pay the semester fee and complete the semester registration, in order to keep the admission to study at AHO. Please note that Exchange students are exempt from the semester fee.

You complete the semester registration in Studentweb. The semester registration involves accepting the education plan for the study program you have been accepted to, and have admission to. In Studentweb you will also find the invoice for the semester fee.

If you fail to complete the semester registration and/or have not paid the semester fee, your access card will be blocked and eventually you will lose your place of study at AHO. 

Deadline for completing the semester registration and paying the semester fee:

  • Fall semester: September 1st
  • Spring semester: February 1st
Please contact infosenter@aho.no if you experience any issues or have questions related to this matter. 


Change of personal data

We must register the correct information about you, such as name, address, and Norwegian National Identity Number/D Number. The name you are registered with is used on grade transcripts, diplomas, student cards, the student ID app, and more.   

Adress change

As soon as you receive your Norwegian address, please update this in Studentweb

  • Click on your name in the right corner.  
  • Select "My profile" and enter the correct address (home address and semester address). 
Remember to notify Posten Norge about address changes and mark your mailbox accordingly. 

Name change

If your name is incorrect in Studentweb, or if you change your name in the National Registry during your studies, please report the change in this form in Nettskjema. 

Documentation that confirms the name change, or a copy of your passport with your correct name, must be uploaded in the form. 

Norwegian national identity number

When you receive your 11-digit Norwegian ID number, please report the change in this form in Nettskjema. 

Documentation from the Tax Agency that confirms the ID number, must be uploaded on the form. 

Adapted studies

Do you have a disability, special needs, or illness that makes it difficult to study?

You may be entitled to individual adaptation of your everyday studies and/or exams. Individual adaptation is intended to compensate for the disadvantages caused by your functional impairment.

Individual adaptation can not lead to a disproportionate burden for AHO, reduce the academic requirements or give the student an advantage compared to fellow students. It will therefore vary between different study programs and subjects which adaptation that can be granted.

Examples of what can provide a basis for individual adaptation: 
  • Dyslexia 
  • Reduced functional ability
  • Mental challenges 
  • Psycho-social difficulties 
  • Visual impairment 
  • Reduced hearing 
Regarding exam accommodations, here are some possible measures:
  • Extended deadline
  • Resting time and/or breastfeeding breaks
  • Seperate room

How to apply for individual adaption

Fill out the application form for adaptated studies and upload a confirmation from a doctor/expert in the form. Sensitive information should not be sent via e-mail.

The documentation must contain the following information: 
  • The student's full name, birthdate, and Norwegian National Identity number (if applicable). 
  • Description of the challenges your functional impairment presents
  • Duration
  • Recommended adaptation measures 
  • Signature of doctor or expert
Apply for adapted studies in this application form.


Scholarship for students with functional impairment

If you are unable to work alongside your studies due to reduced functional capacity or disability, you can apply for a scholarship from Lånekassen. For more information about scholarship applications, visit Lånekassen’s website.


Absence from mandatory activities

If you are absent from a mandatory activity, you can apply for a valid absence via this online form.