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Diploma project

Eirik Mikael SkogliMarius Falkenberg Erikstad

Amandine Maia Johanna Kastler
Røros has been preserved for 100 years - with the consequence being that preservation work it-self has made a considerable impact on the built environment. A preservation practice running in a feedback loop -  only reproducing and pushing the same architectural motif on every build-ing - regardless of scale, program, and context.  The prevailing system is slowly contaminating every building it touches, old and new, which could gradually leave Røros with a generic Scandi-navian town aesthetic, unable to absorb the needs of a contemporary town, and jeopardizing its unique characteristics. 
Vegard Dyrhol RiiseEirik Spånem Eliassen

Jørgen Johan Tandberg
Magnus Garvoll
Andreas Kalstveit
In the coming decade, Skien municipality and developers are bringing new housing, cultural institutions, offices and infrastructure into its urban fabric, with the city slowly pushing its center along the riverfront and towards the neighbouring city of Porsgrunn. Simultaneously, the city continues to experience a low population growth with no clear future prospects in terms of jobs or industry that determine a need for the large-scale high-density housing that is currently being developed.
Riham El Moazen

Neven Mikac Fuchs
The primary school in the middle of Vienna was thought out of a wish to create a special environment for children and their fantasy.

It proposes a learning environment, where children move between different spaces and courtyards purposefully and with autonomy. 
The essence of the school lies in the constant interaction with a landscape consisting out of different courtyards, that are multiplied through reflections in the low-iron reflective glass, which is the main construction material. 
Hedda Teigen UkkestadHanna Eimot

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Anna Røtnes
Johanne Borthne

Silje DæhliMaris Mänd

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Mathilde Sprovin
Such a house is Toralfhuset. The house itself - its structure and architectural DNA - is not exceptional. It is a prefabricated log house in the Swiss style, quite common for the area. It was built in the late 19th cen-tury, and is quite a large house, with six bedrooms, a kitchen, a hall, a dining room, two living rooms and a basement with a full floor-height. Throughout the century, it was inhabited by several people, up until the 18th of May 1973, when its last inhabitant - Toralf Mikalsen - passed away.
Olav Skillingstad Andersen

Gro Bonesmo
Halvor Weider Ellefsen


Ziyue Wang

Mosse Sjaastad
Lars Marcus Vedeler


Callum Boyland

Steinar Westhrin Killi
The only way to tackle a problem of this magnitude is through a series of small steps and changes.

This explorative industrial design project aims to improve the users’ relationship with food and encourage a behavioural shift to lower their waste and its impact.

Polina Gurina

Steinar Westhrin Killi
Adriaan Van Eyndhoven


The purpose of that diploma project was to make first steps into creating a new product for Stokke®, that will be fun, unique, and challenging at the same time. “Busy rock” turned out as a fantastic way to explore, experiment, reflect and moreover, I had a great fun by testing my concept with the little users!
Eirunn Marie Margaret Kvalnes

Lars Marcus Vedeler
Audun Mathias Øygard
Writing With the Machine is an explorative design diploma investigating machine learning as a design material. As a design experiment, I trained a machine learning model on an archive of personal letters written by my great grandfather. Using this experiment as a starting point, working hands on with both the data material and the software, I reflect upon different aspects of machine learning. 
