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Diploma project

Ola Nicolai Claussen

Kjetil Nordby
Mosse Sjaastad
Jonathan Romm
By designing an example of what a medical record could look like to a patient I am able to have something tangible to show in a discussion, both with users and with healthcare actors. With a test group consisting
of experienced users I have designed a prototype that I have used as a base to explore different topics. I chose three topics where I made different scenarios. Self registration, how to contribute to your own medical record. Knowledge, could the record be a place where you could learn about your health? Sharing, giving access
Cheng-Yun Ho

Birger Ragnvald Sevaldson
Linda Blaasvær
Mosse Sjaastad
Multiple studies show that coordination and scheduling over IM comprise a certain proportion of the conversations. However, messages displayed in chronological order are not user-friendly. Not only does it test users’ memory but also cause trouble in searching for details and reconfirming it. Moreover, there is no existing IM application supports these needs for casual users. We created an application prototype, with the intention of easing the predicament caused by this phenomenon, as well as offering another possible usage of IM.


Ingrid Johanna FløgstadHenriette Sagvolden Marki

Berit Johanson Lindquister
Jonathan Romm
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Today preventive health management is a personal responsibility, however, there is a disconnection in people’s desire to stay healthy and their actual behaviour. 

An important challenge with sexual health is the shame and stigma which can stop us from addressing sexual health issues. 

Maria Berg-Leirvåg

Nicholas Stevens
Geir Øxseth
It is a local recycling center I believe should exist today, parallel to todays system. The Plastic Lab houses the machines needed to do plastic recycling and collaborate with local people. 

The Plastic Lab is a local recycling center I believe should exist today, parallel to today's system. The Plastic Lab houses the machines needed to do plastic recycling and collaborate with local people. This is a place where people can come and see the whole recycling process, test machines and learn about recycling. 

Hanfei Xu

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Berit Johanson Lindquister
Sparebank 1
The Student Safety Net will make insurance easier, more affordable and relevant for students. It will let them feel engaged, have the feeling of membership and also let them feel emotionally safe. Students should know they are protected. They could safeguard their peers in the net.

It is smart to have a Student Safety Net. SpareBank 1 will provide different levels of security for the students. The students could easily link with peers who have the same insurance. It also complements the SpareBank 1 Brand strategy of ‘We are on your side.’

Malin EngvallLine Marie Moen Syversen

Geir Øxseth
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez

Our insights showed that one big challenge in the asylum seekers everyday life is organising and storing their belongings. There is a constant fear of leaving things in the common areas, so the residents carry everything back and forth between rooms.

Miriam Strandquist

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Anne Mellbye
Kristoffer Leivestad Olsen
The diploma is carried out in collaboration with Arcus, the world’s largest producer of aquavit. Private consumers in ages 25–35 is a market which Arcus would like to reach. The target group’s relationship to aquavit is commonly a sip at Christmas, finding it too strong.

A service design process resulted in a toolkit named DEL, meaning not just share – the name gives life to all
the principles my project wishes to utilize. The toolkit helps facilitate a shared social and enjoyable experience, with aquavit cocktails at a vorspiel (informal pre-party).

Samra Avdagic

Geir Øxseth
Vera Pahle
I wanted to challenge this by designing discursive food packaging that is honest, but also makes people think. My aim was to raise awareness and create a basis for a discussion around the topic of food and food packaging. My goal was to make people question what they are actually eating.
I chose to design packaging for a specific product, which is crisp bread, also known as knekkebrød in Norway.
Oda Sortland

Mosse Sjaastad
Berit Lindquister
Alexander Lie, SpareBank 1
Joachim Svela, SpareBank 1
I researched trends, talked to potential users and got valuable insight into the insurance business from my project partner, SpareBank 1. 

The final concept is a Google platform enabling users to make insurance offerings. A constantly learning program uses a vast amount of data to help create the insurance terms and calculate prices. A myriad of new insurance offerings emerges fast. Most are tailored to a specific user group’s need. End users see all their insurance policies at the platform, where smart software gives them individual advices on their insurance situation. 
Yue Zou

Håkan Edeholt
Berit Lindquister
Hans Gerhard Meier

Because of this crisis of local productions, I designed a global design platform where designers can use
the intercultural advantage to do innovations with small and good local producers as a part time job.
The producers can use the platform to promote local products to form a long-term sustainable consumption.
