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Diploma project

Anders Sølvberg

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Christopher Succarat Lunde
The oil boom has greatly contributed to population growth, economic prosperity and rapid urbanization. With this in mind, the city has yet to be defined by a distinct architecture, but rather through speculative real estate profiteering. At a time when architectural production is dominated by monoculturalism, individualism and urban sprawl, the goal is to reintroduce the urban residence and through it, work with the city itself.
Bili Xia

Geir Øxseth
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Nina Bjørnstad
It ends up with a night lamp “Yeyo” for preschoolers to reduce their fear of darkness. Yeyo is a god originated from the Classic of Mountains and Sea: “There were 16 gods, holding hands, and guarding the night for the Emperor of Heaven.” Today, Yeyo becomes a close friend of children and accompanies them in every dark evening.
Ann Viola Ulvin

Berit Lindquister
Livework Studio

Tenk om du kunne ha skapet ditt fullt av bunader. En bunad for hver anledning. Alle har en lappe med innsydd  ”made in China”. Har det noen betydning?

Det handler ikke om hvem som skal lage bunaden din, men hvor og hvordan. Dersom vi ikke klarer å holde bunadsproduksjonen i landet vårt, kan den immaterielle kulturarven bunadstilvirking gå tapt. Derfor har UNESCO-konvensjonen bestemt at det skal settes inn vernetiltak mot utøving og videreføring. Skal vi føre kulturarven videre til kommende generasjoner, må vi velge den norskproduserte bunaden.


Torgeir Haugen Tysse

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Halvor Tretvoll
NRK is not targeting the users below 50 years of age. There is great potential for increasing the knowledge about the users and in how NRK is offering information on a mobile device.

This project has been looking into both the frontstage and backstage of news consumption for the young users. The solution is a new toucpoint designed for the users to easily self-curate their news digest, as well as it gathers valuable data for the backstage to improve their understanding and knowledge about the user.


Kamilla Nave MaaseideCaroline Myre Strømme

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Berit Lindquister
Many service providers offer to help the consumers with their inheritance problems. Insights from actors told us that ideal for them is if the decisions have been made, therefore the users themselves are responsible for this process, however many norwegian families have bad experiences and many families are torn apart. 

Inger SteinnesNils Erik Gustav Hansen

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Mads Pålsrud
This diploma suggests a service improvement within student housing to support community building. The service aims to provide residents with help in co-living management, responsibility distribution, and a way to organize social gatherings. The service consists of three added service moments, made up of several new or altered touch-points. The new user journey is facilitated by two new roles in the house and by SiO.


Ribekka BeitveitEirik Haugen Murvold

Mosse Sjaastad
Berit Johanson Lindquister
Emilie Strømmen Olsen
The project is grounded in findings from meeting with users, respectively adoption applicants and families who have adopted, and actors involved in the landscape of adoption. This has provided us with a deep understanding of the process of intercountry adoption, its potentials and pain points.

Jonas Aalberg

Geir Øxseth

MODA is a self-driven series of integrated speaker systems tailored to fit different occasions and surroundings. By focussing on how to apply sound in an ergonomic way, MODA speaker systems provide a comfortable and rich sound atmosphere for public environments. Visually, the speaker systems are shaped with the intention of providing a natural resting place. Wrapped in warm and organic materials, MODA blend easily into an accommodating environment. Both visual appearance and musical output are designed to enable customization for different client profiles and needs.

Ola Brandsnes

Steinar Killi
Adrian Paulsen
Kevin Geers
By using Municipal Solid Waste Incinerated fly ash(MSWI-fly ash), left over from when our unsorted trash is burnt, to make geopolymer concrete, we can reduce the needs of highly debated waste depositing and the environmental footprint of making concrete.

Oda Midtlyng Klempe

Berit Lindquister
Mosse Sjaastad
Kjersti Kviseth
Fashion is a cultural phenomenon about material things, trends and personal expression.  I have looked at fashion in clothing, often referred to as the fashion industry. This is an industry that has brought joy and profit to many people around the world.  However, it is also an industry that has become the second dirtiest industry on this planet, after oil and gas.
