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Diploma project

Brit Kristin Heltne

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk

Narrow valleys, mountain peaks and deep fjords, the site I'm proposing has both a close and a distant view towards this characteristic nature in the district of Indre Sogn. The surrounding pine forest creates intimate spaces in an endless landscape, a quality that has been important in my approach.

Sarah Rønning Hansen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The project is a small research center, with workplaces for researchers in the field of biology, located at the Blindern campusarea of the University of Oslo. The program includes laboratories with different containment levels, animal testing facilities, and green houses.

I have been studying the spatial potential of the laboratory, with its different requirements within a free plan. The building being a general, infrastructural system allowing for the specific functions of the laboratory.

Pia Cathrin Habostad

Neven Mikac Fuchs

While animals are usually relegated a secondary role in the farm, the project is trying to challenge this usual dynamic, by approaching architecture from an an imalperspective. The set geometries, the architectonic elements and outside spaces used in the project that go with horse activities are thoroughly investigated.

By equally emphasizing the outside spaces as much as the built, I have proposed a place like a big garden where the relation between horse and rider, with the local life and landscape as a back drop, can be fully physically experienced.

Kathrine Atterås Galtung

Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan

The approach of the project was to make a factory producing building- and paving-stones from waste material provided by the quarry, and to show the characteristics and potential of the available stone in the architecture.

The larvikite rock dates back 300 million years. The crossover of architecture and nature in this building therefore pushes the concept of time to the forefront. It raises the question of what the site used to be, what it is now and what it might become in the future. 

Anna Røtnes
Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Tor Olav Austigard
A nature reserve, as it exists today, has an invisible border. A border set on the premises of man: the drawn line on a map, the tiny warning sign on a path. It is a signal easily missed; you do not necessarily know when you have stepped across it, into or out of something protected. What decides where these borders should go, how should they appear, and what are their consequences? 

Jonas Aarre Sommarset

Jan Olav Jensen
Stein Halvorsen
Tomta, et av OBRE’s to hovedalternativer, ligger i et område av byen der branntettheten er høy og behovet for forebyggende arbeid er stort. Tomta åpner for å gjøre Hovedbrannstasjonen til en langt mer naturlig og synlig aktør i bybildet, enn både den nåværende og alternative situasjonen tilbyr.
Helga Feiring

Beate Hølmebakk
Espen Vatn
Atle Sperre Hermansen
Teksten forteller om den mellommenneskelige relasjonen å bo sammen. Tegningene forteller om rom til å bo sammen i. Til sammen danner teksten og tegningene en helhet: de utfyller hverandre, utdyper hverandre og illustrerer hverandre.
Dette er ikke fortellingen om et hus på en spesifikk tomt. Ikke alle rommene er klimatisert. Det er ikke et lukket hus, slik fortellingen om relasjonen heller ikke danner et avsluttet narrativ fra a til å. 
Anders Haagaas Grinde

Jan Olav Jensen
Ervin Strandskogen
Henrik Hille
The biggest challenges in sea based fish farming are coming from external factors in the sea, resulting in diseases in the livestock, stress from handling and sorting through treatments of sea lice, pollution from fish waste, and bad health among its passive population. These are the issues that the project wants to address.

Yi Hu

Nicholas Stevens
Stein Rokseth

People become more and more lonely. We are losing physical contacts and face to face communication. Meanwhile, human beings are social animals, talking to strangers make us happy. So I want to encourage social interactions between people in public space.

I have investigated how people interact and avoid interacting with strangers in public space. After research and exploring a lot of concepts, I chose to design a bench, which has an attractive appearance and light interaction. So when people experience the interaction together, it will become something that they have
Martin Holt Juliussen

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Mosse Sjaastad
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