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Diploma project

Here is an excerpt from the project description:
Stokke® Go is a child carrier that challenges common concepts of mobility. Through an adaptable design solution, Stokke® Go offers both ergonomic back carrying and weight relieving strolling in the same product.

Here is an excerpt from the project description:

There is currently little attention devoted to sound dimension in contrast to the attention for the visual and other dimensions of place. And there is much we still do not know about acoustic environments: how to properly measure people’s experience; visual interactions; or the role of listening states—analytical listening versus distracted listening, for example. The core of Sound Sight  is to offer a detailed overview of personal acoustic environments.

Pedro Afonso De Carvalho Nunes Henriques

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Engh
A single-family house from the XVIII century, from which only the outer walls remain today, once occupied the project’s plot. The fifteen-meter tall walls, which enclosed 4 floors and multiple rooms, are now freestanding elements. Today they create within one single space – a void in the dense urban fabric.

The project is to understand the structural and spatial potential of the walls, not in the way they performed in the past, but in relation to the one space they provide all together.

Kama NybøKatrine Hamre Sørlie

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Sunter
Lars Hamran
Scattered along the Norwegian coastline are abandoned concrete structures left after WWII. Today their sculptural quality turns them into landmarks. 

This project aims to revitalize the bunkers and provide new visitor facilities that celebrate the natural environment. Places to feel and observe the weather and landscape – the focus being the views, the ever-changing light and the timeless quality of the horizon.

Øyvind Anker Ljosland

Per Olaf Fjeld
Rolf Gerstlauer
A connection between the existing underground network, the new development of Fornebubanen and a new underground tunnel through Oslo city center have the need for a two level underground station, with capacity to handle a large amount of people in transit. Majorstua metro station will become a major hub in an improved underground network

Haris Ramic

Marius Nygaard
This project investigates strategies for improving the existing library. The original library areas are restored and the characteristic interior is preserved. The library programme is reorganised to maximise the potential within the existing building.  

A new, enclosed entrance courtyard creates a public space for exhibitions, meetings and quick, informal library browsing. The formerly closed book tower is transformed into a quiet zone for individual seeking and development of knowledge.

Liv Mari OppebøenEirik Stiansen

Marius Nygaard
Christian Hermansen
Smieøya has an industrial past, with one remaining brick building from 1881, abandoned and in poor condition. A sluice and hydropower plant provide still water to one side of the island and free-flowing water to the other. We want to transform this building into a new boathouse and tourist information, taking advantage of its close connection to the city centre and these different water conditions appropriate for rowing and kayaking.

Kristjan Breidfjord Svavarsson

Mari Bergset

Green infrastructure will be constructed for pedestrians and educators alike to get closer to ecology, with water playing a major role as tidal ponds with new marine life. By time the agency of flooding will shape the area and the established ecology of blue mussels in an artificial reef will perform as supportive cleaning actors. In this manner we can renegotiate that which has been taken from the sea by reclamation and landfill and evolve the area into a new nature. 

Jan-Kristian Orvik

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Jonas Lippestad
Jeg ønsket å skape et bygg for å romme de tradisjonsrike seremoniene, for de som ikke tror. Et uvigslet rom, for de uten Gud. Et sted man ikke skal tilbe, ofre, eller møte en høyere makt, men som likevel skal være høytidelig. En verdig ramme for dåp, konfirmasjon, bryllup, og gravferd. Et sted for velkomst, feiring, og farvel. Et sted for ettertanke og ro. 

Treet som symbol for mennesket, vannet for livet, og horisonten som symbol for tiden. Arkitekturen skal gi et møte mellom disse, og skape et rom for mennesket i nærhet med sine nærmeste. 

Yao Zuo

Janike Kampevold Larsen
Sabine Muller
The project aims at finding value in some of those leftover spaces. It is investigating the biological potential in one site, and that site’s possibility to go from decay to growth. The project shows how small interventions may help nature to modify them naturally. 

The chosen site is located at the harbor edge, specifically a formerly very active intersection of roads and views. The harbor garden will serve as a reminder of the decay that has happened, but also turn a decayed area into a living biological zone. 
