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Diploma project

Ranveig Hesselberg Meland

Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Over 150 municipal buildings in Oslo are standing empty and decaying. To facilitate arenas where people can benefit from each other’s capacities in terms of services, and where the focus is based on the individual’s well being rather than financial gain, can be a way to contribute to less pressure on funding from the public.

The selected building is located in Thulstrups gate 4 at St. Hanshaugen. The building is designed by architect Ole Øvergaard and raised in 1934. The new program of the building will consist of a combination of private, semi private and common facilities.
Stine Kornmo Janssen

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Elizabeth Sunter
The existing building is adapted to contain a cafe, workshops, exhibition spaces and an office collective. It is a place to meet, activating the street and uniting the cultural activities in the city, and encouraging local urban renewal.

An intermediate floor contains common rooms and a roof terrace. Above there are three floors of housing, designed to accommodate families and adapt to life changes. The layering of the facade provides flexibility, lightness and transparency.


Sunniva Nordli Helseth

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Catherine Elizabeth Sunter
Børre Hegdal Skodvin
The thesis is dealing with the challenges of working within a remote and important cultural and historical setting. The wish is to bring a new industry to the island that improves the existing situation. 

The whisky distillery is chosen for its programmatic potential to the surrounding landscape, culture and history. Whisky has a strong connection to its landscape, from its sources of water and grain to its production and storage, yet it is the history of the island and its people that will bring it to life.

Ole Knagenhjelm LysneUlrikke Dreyer

Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Thelma Thybo
The site at Bjølsen used to be a mill director’s home with an english garden with a mural, stairs, and brick walls in a green lung of an industrial neighbourhood. By re-interpreting the english garden, we have created a building which offers a range of different settings, from the formal front garden by the manor to the wild forest and the river. With this we wish to encourage the patients and their relatives to interact with nature for them to appreciate life.


Åsa ME Johansson

Børre Hegdal Skodvin
Bente Kleven
Mari Smørgrav
Anne Gjesdal Bjørndal
The task aims to generate living units with the feeling of a home, even if it is for a limited time - for a while. A home that gives the inhabitants possibilities to play part in different daily chores - today and in the future. Residential living perceived as an open situation where daily commitments can be shared with the township of Sagene.

My diploma is a possible answer to rearrange facilities to understand the collective as togetherness - interference - on my own. 

Feeling at home, for a while.


Brona Ann KeenanMiles Franklin Hamaker

Janike Kampevold Larsen
Mats Kemppe
Drawing on an anthropologic assessment of the Varanger region and Vardø specifically, we understand that the community’s connection to the landscape is directly influenced through food resource harvesting activities and the subsequent social significances. This importance is not only economic, but plays a role in an individual’s identity. Reacting to the 1980’s cod crises and the negative consequences on the city, people, and economy of Vardø, we propose a series of food related education and processing spaces intended to reveal the now invisible food infrastructures of the city.

Her er et uttdrag fra Siris prosjektbeskrivelse:

VVOOD was carried out as a practical assignment with hands-on experiments and visualisations that led to the development of three products. The project suggests categories for wooden properties via three products that focus on different aspects of wood as design material:

SKOGEN (Forest) is a material library that shows a selection of woods. The pieces are untreated and labeled with basic information about each species. The user can smell, feel, touch and experience the woods in their hands.

Here is an excerpt from Olars’ website:

Olars is an electronic interactive toy inspired by Karl Sims’ evolved virtual creatures. Having thousands of varieties in movement and behaviour by attaching different geometrical limbs, modifying the angle of these, twisting the body itself, and by adjusting the deflection of the motorised joints, results in both familiar and strange motion patterns.

Here is an excerpt from the project description:

Designing for Dignity tar for seg prosessen rundt mottaket på Legevakten av ofre for seksuelle overgrep, med prosedyrer, rutiner, organisering, tjenester, romlige forhold og design av objekter. Hensikten er å øke tryggheten og verdigheten til ofrene.

Here is an excerpt from the project description:

The goal of this project was to explore the future of platform supply vessels and to challenge the traditional way the maritime industry designs and uses offshore vessels. The result is a concept for a new platform supply vessel where we did explore design opportunities to increase efficiency, safety and flexibility of cargo handling.
