fbpx | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

40 423 Architecture & Film; from Darkness to Light

Emnenavn på English: 
Architecture & Film; from Darkness to Light
40 423
Syklus 2
2024 Vår
2024 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Rolf Gerstlauer
Wenkai Xu

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS) and a desire to conduct your own experimental artistic research on moving images producing and containing architectural phenomena and conditions.

Om emnet

This elective course in Architecture & Film will focus on the Morphology of Body and Space through investigations in photographic and moving images registering, and creatively editing, Daylight conditions as they move from Darkness to Light. The aim with the course is to further understand, influence and critically develop the architectural space through a phenomenological and perceptual approach. The course uses the video camera and editing software as creative tools to individually observe, register, and interpret different situations, sensations, and phenomena with the aim to anew reflect upon and inform architectures spatial properties.


Knowledge: The students will receive an introduction to various theories of architecture, media studies, film, and videoart connected to the topic of the course.

Skills: Exercises, lectures, and discussions give the students the opportunity to develop a critical stance on the use of camera/editing software as architectural tools in order to further facilitate an advanced, experimental design practice based on a current, critical architectural discourse.


General competence: The ability to conduct an advanced visual experimental architectural design research through the work on moving imagery; including process preparation/adaption, development of own working method, critical verbal/written reflection on one’s own visual material, and the conclusion of the research in a final presentation and film-screening. 

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course starts with a brief historical, theoretical, and philosophical discussion on film in general, and on kinetic representation of architectural space in particular. Students will be introduced to the field of investigation through lectures, literature and a series of films and videoart works.

Exercises in video sketching* and video editing will train the students’ practical skills and give them insight in the relation between space and the image, and space in the image. Each course day starts with an hour-long talk on the challenge of the day (mandatory lecture). The students manufacture their video individually and then screen and discuss the video work in plenum.

Mandatory reading material is handed out on the respective course days. A literature list is available online and serves as a recommended reading list (not mandatory). *Video sketching: to draw – to doodle/voodle – to paint with video.


Link to course literature registered in Leganto

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