Bachelor in architecture
The project task will be a medium-sized, multistory building for workplaces in an urban setting.
The course will explore future types and patterns of work, and their architectural implications. The studies will be carried out within a life-cycle perspective of design, construction and reuse of buildings, components and materials. Quantified aims for energy use and emissions will be discussed. The role of location (dependency of transport), resilience (robustness and adaptability to climatic and economical change), materials (health, emissions, durability) and energy (in production and use) will be analyzed. Existing methods, systems and frameworks for life-cycle analyses will be presented and discussed.
The studio encourages both qualitative and quantitative evaluations and investigations. 3D printing and computer-aided design are paired with sketches and manual models. An idealistic and innovative approach merges with a commercial scenario, on a real site in Oslo.
The learning approach is project-based. The students develop architectural projects, with tasks given and advised by the staff. Lectures and workshops focusing on selected themes will contribute to knowledge and skills relevant for the project.
General Competence:
The course will include (preliminary plan):
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Karakterskala | Kommentar |
Vurderingsmappe | - | Bestått / ikke bestått | Vurderingsmappen består av delinnleveringer og et hovedprosjekt. De vil være flere delinnleveringer m/presentasjon igjennom hele semesteret. Delinnleveringene må leveres og være godkjent for å få hovedprosjektet vurdert. Hovedprosjektet kan gjøres enkeltvis eller i grupper av to studenter. |
Aktivitet | Kommentar |
Oppmøte | Deltakelse og tilstedeværelse i forelesninger, veiledning ved tegnebord i studio, seminarer og workshops er forventet. |
Ekskursjon |